Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member

Posts: 7433
« on: April 21, 2009, 04:53:16 pm » |
Island names 'not official' By REBECCA PALMER The New Zealand Geographic Board is looking for alternative Maori names for the North and South Islands and also wants to make their English names official. "Interestingly, while researching this issue, we noted that 'North Island' and 'South Island' are actually not official names under our legislation, despite their common long-term usage," board chairman Don Grant said today. He said the board had been investigating Maori names for the islands for several years. In the coming weeks, it would write to iwi throughout the country asking for their traditional Maori names for the islands. The board started researching the issue after a member of the public proposed renaming the South Island ''Te Wai Pounamu''. Dr Grant said the board planned to publicly consult with all New Zealanders on the names next year. The board was looking for alternative names, which would mean that either the English names or the Maori names could be used, or they could be used together. That was different to dual naming, where both names were used together in official documents such as maps, he said. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Captain Cook's 1770 chart of New Zealand, which uses the name Tovypoenammu for the South Island and Aeheinomouwe for the North Island. know that South Island was once known as Middle Island and has also been known as Te Waka a Maui as well as Te Wai Pounamu
Shit-Hot Member

Posts: 2335
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 05:19:40 pm » |
I would say that cook's Logged names is the closest to what the old maori called the islands especially in the case of the south island as it sounds like current suggestion of te wai pounamu.It is doubtfull that he made the names up and very possible are true attempts to record the names the indiginies he met called them at the time. the north sounds like, something. o maui, possibly the fish of maui, it's just the aehien bit that is a puzzle
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body.
But rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...
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ballasted moth
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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 06:35:07 pm » |
The Maori names are terrible and in the case of the North Island based on nonsense
Greens are really RED
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member

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« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 07:45:12 pm » |
Name the Islands? Easy. To the north you have the North Island. To the south you have New Zealand. Done. 
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 07:48:46 pm » |
Island names 'not official' By REBECCA PALMER
...... and also wants to make their English names official.
so if the NZ Geographical Board wants to make the English names official WHAT have they been recorded as for the last 160 years ? surely if no name is official what other names up and down the country arent Official ? seem this Board is making excuses every time a name of a town or city is spoken about ... last week it was Wanganui .... if you are asking me i think someone is pushing the name everything maori a bit too far ... dont see the USA getting a name change after some Apache Cherokee Indian or England being called Bretannic, Albion and Ierna as was the situ in times of Aristotle (c. 384–322 BC ...
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2009, 07:49:36 pm » |
'Cultural zealots' ask public for 'official' Island namesWanganui Mayor Michael Laws has called the Geographic Board "cultural zealots " after its decision to consult the public over what the North and South Islands should formally be called. The board said today it had discovered a lack of formality in the names for the islands. "Interestingly, while researching this issue, we noted that `North Island' and `South Island' are actually not official names under our legislation, despite their common long-term usage," chairman Don Grant said. "We therefore want to formalise alternative Maori names and, at the same time, make the naming of the North and South Islands official." Alternative naming meant that either the English names (North Island and South Island), or the Maori names (Te Ika a Maui for the North Island and Te Wai Pounamu for the South) could be used individually or together. This differed from dual naming where both names were used together in official documents, such as maps. The alternative names would allow the board to recognise the historical and cultural importance of traditional Maori names, while still retaining the long-term and commonly used English names, Dr Grant said. Mr Laws said the move was part of the board's "ongoing attempt to rename New Zealand" and a pointer to the board's political and cultural bias. "Where else could you go in the world and the locals have actually two different names for everywhere? These people on the NZ Geographic Board are cultural zealots." Mr Laws has been a vocal critic of the board's move to add spell Wanganui as Whanganui. He said the referendum on Wanganui's identity and naming would give the board a clear indication of locals' preference. "But after today's announcement, you can see their agenda. It is political correctness of the worst kind - unthinking, unfeeling and completely immune from any heritage and history that is not Maori. Their bias is obvious." Dr Grant said the board would be writing to iwi throughout the country in the coming weeks to seek the known traditional Maori names for both islands. It expected to be able to publicly consult with all New Zealanders on the names in 2010.
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« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2009, 07:53:34 pm » |
Island names 'not official' By REBECCA PALMER
...... and also wants to make their English names official.
so if the NZ Geographical Board wants to make the English names official WHAT have they been recorded as for the last 160 years ? surely if no name is official what other names up and down the country arent Official ? seem this Board is making excuses every time a name of a town or city is spoken about ... last week it was Wanganui .... if you are asking me i think someone is pushing the name everything maori a bit too far ... dont see the USA getting a name change after some Apache Cherokee Indian or England being called Bretannic, Albion and Ierna as was the situ in times of Aristotle (c. 384–322 BC ... Newton I well remember maps at school having Maori names for both Islands and I am not (well not quite) 160 years old. 
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2009, 07:57:06 pm » |
Isnt it about time that someone got the bit out from between the teeth of these arseholes on the Geo. Board?
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2009, 08:17:34 pm » |
The members of the NZGB are: Surveyor-General/Chairperson * Dr Don Grant Members * Ms Sylvia Allan * Dr Sir Tipene O'Regan * Dr Wharehuia Milroy * Mr David Barnes * Dr Kay Booth * Dr Apirana Mahuika * Professor Michael Roche * Mr David Mole (LINZ official) The members of the NZGB are: Surveyor-General/Chairperson * Dr Don Grant Members * Ms Sylvia Allan * Dr Sir Tipene O'Regan * Dr Wharehuia Milroy * Mr David Barnes * Dr Kay Booth * Dr Apirana Mahuika * Professor Michael Roche * Mr David Mole (LINZ official) at the makeup of this board and ask yourself ... who is pushing for name changes ?
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On patrol Bien Hoa Province 1969
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2009, 08:25:46 pm » |
The top bit, where we all live should be called New Zealand.
The bits south of Wellington should be abandoned and staffed by brave people like those who do stints on Raoul Island. These selfless heroes would be tasked to supply New Zealand with Electricity and Oysters.
Walk softly and carry a big stick. - Theodore Roosevelt.
Incredibly Shit-Hot Member

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« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2009, 09:25:32 pm » |
The top bit, where we all live should be called New Zealand.
The bits south of Wellington should be abandoned and staffed by brave people like those who do stints on Raoul Island. These selfless heroes would be tasked to supply New Zealand with Electricity and Oysters.
On the Contrary, the Southern parts should cut the northern parts adrift and leave them to find their own way. After all, if the north is the fish of Maui and the South, the canoe of Maui, if the fish begins to smell why not cut it loose.
[W]hat the internet and its cult of anonymity do is to provide a blanket sort of immunity for anybody who wants to say anything about anybody else, and it would be difficult in this sense to think of a more morally deformed exploitation of the concept of free speech. - Richard Bernstein in the New York Times
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« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2009, 11:23:16 pm » |
I agree with them... Have always thought the island names are like an incomplete sentence....
Cpt Cook 'phones' home
" Guess what we found land today ...there are 2 islands, one in the north called (static on line) and a south island we have called ( more static) Oh and a small small one at the bottom we have named Stewart Is .
Come on folks we DON"T have a name for our islands in the north or the one in the south! Just make it easy for everyone to pronounce ( both here & overseas)
I almost had a psychic boyfriend, but he left me before we met.
Shit-Hot Member

Posts: 1234
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2009, 05:43:28 am » |
Given the members include such luminaries as Tipene O'Regan, the Maori names to appease such activists should be "I want dat island" and "I want dis island".
It does make sense why Wanganui was targeted now.
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2009, 06:26:57 am » |
That is a list of radical activists blind in one eye and an eye patch on the other.
Shit-Hot Member

Posts: 1473
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2009, 07:28:25 am » |
The Maori names are terrible and in the case of the North Island based on nonsense
Bloody hell! it must be a blue moon or was that a pig flying by? This time I AGREE with BM!!Why fix what isn't broken? Everyone knows North Island and South Island, it's easy to remember, easy to spell, and self explanatory. or Could this nonsense be a smokescreen for something else that is hiding in the wings???
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2009, 09:30:35 am » |
Maui fished up a dilemmaYou might have always known them as plain North and South, but it turns out our two biggest islands have an identity crisis. What do you think? Post a comment The Geographic Board plans to formalise the names North Island and South Island after discovering they were not official. It is also investigating alternative Maori names for the two land masses. Chairman Don Grant said yesterday: "Interestingly, while researching this issue, we noted that `North Island' and `South Island' are actually not official names under our legislation, despite their long-term usage." The board would be writing to iwi representatives over the next few weeks to seek traditional Maori names and associated stories for the islands, he said. It planned to widen the consultation to all New Zealanders next year. Dr Grant said the English and Maori names would be alternative they could be used individually or with the other. That was different from dual naming, in which both names were used together on official documents, such as maps. The board decided that a name change or dual names would "cause too much cost and disruption throughout the whole country and for visitors". Dr Grant said Te Ika a Maui for the North Island and Te Wai Pounamu for the South were on early official maps and documents, including Captain Cook's. The board's decision to investigate alternative Maori names was prompted by a 2004 proposal from Christchurch man Keith Darroch to rename the South Island Te Wai Pounamu. In 2007, the board decided it would not consider a Maori name for the South Island in isolation. Maori names for the North Island: Te Ika a Maui (the fish of Maui), Aotearoa, Aeheinomouwe - Captain Cook's spelling of what might be He Ahi No Maui (a fire of Maui) or He Hi No Maui (a thing of Maui) Maori names for the South Island: Te Tumuki (the oldest recorded name), Te Arapaoa, Te Wai Pounamu, Tovypoenammu (Captain Cook's spelling of Te Wai Pounamu), Te Wahi Pounamu, Te Waka a Maui, Te Waka o Aoraki, Tau Ihu o te Waka. Other English names that have been used: Middle Island - for the South Island (where the name 'South Island' was used for Stewart Island/Rakiura) New Ulster - for the North Island New Munster - for the South Island Island of Victoria - for the South Island.
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Incredibly Shit-Hot Member

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OK, so what’s the speed of dark?
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2009, 01:29:24 pm » |
Why do we have to call them 'old' names...there is no reaon we can't come up with something new, is there?
I almost had a psychic boyfriend, but he left me before we met.
Shit-Hot Member

Posts: 1234
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2009, 01:50:09 pm » |
Why do we have to call them 'old' names...there is no reaon we can't come up with something new, is there?
True: New North Island New South Island 
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2009, 02:10:40 pm » |
Upnorf and Dunsouf 
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Posts: 2335
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2009, 02:56:59 pm » |
the lumpand the bump
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body.
But rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...
WOW, What a Ride!"
Please note: IMHO and e&oe apply to all my posts.
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2009, 03:12:27 pm » |
Why do we have to call them 'old' names...there is no reaon we can't come up with something new, is there? I'm kinda used to the North and South Islands, but....... What about Buggerup and Buggerorf?
Incredibly Shit-Hot Member

Posts: 2776
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2009, 04:19:45 pm » |
The South Island calls itself the Mainland. Maybe we call the North Island 'Cheese'
I think its a good idea to name the long as its not difficult to pronounce. I like that Mt Cook now has Aoraki added to it.
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2009, 05:09:30 pm » |
There's always Upper South East Australia and Lower South East Australia.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 05:48:47 pm by Alicat »
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« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2009, 05:38:44 pm » |
How about calling the north island Auckland. 
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« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2009, 06:04:19 pm » |
How about calling the north island Auckland.  Good idea. The North Island isn't really New Zealand anyway.... I really liked another posters idea - get all the people out of the south island apart from Doc workers/opossum trappers and the such - all the townies in the North Island and all the REAL Men (and woman) in the south...
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.