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The coming revolution against the capitalist pigs…

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« on: April 10, 2020, 03:36:14 pm »

from The Washington Post…

Gen Z was fed up with the status quo.
Coronavirus could affirm their beliefs.

The pandemic is grim validation of their support for the government-run programs
and social-welfare policies less popular with their parents and grandparents.

By HANNAH KNOWLES | 12:04PM EDT — Wednesday, April 08, 2020

High school student Emma Rehac speaks at a “Retire Segregation” rally last year as part of the youth-led education equity group IntegrateNYC. — Photograph: Yazmany Arboleda.
High school student Emma Rehac speaks at a “Retire Segregation” rally last year as part of the youth-led education equity group IntegrateNYC.
 — Photograph: Yazmany Arboleda.

HIGH SCHOOL senior Emma Rehac can't help but feel resentful as leaders across the country scramble to keep families afloat through mounting unemployment and an unprecedented public health crisis.

She hears politicians looking for emergency cures to problems she and other activists were talking about long before anyone had heard of covid-19: affordable housing, utility shut-offs and health-care access among them. Now Rehac, 18, is trying to get unemployment benefits after losing her part-time teaching job at a school closed during the novel coronavirus outbreak. She's part of a historic wave of layoffs, coming of age at a hot spot of the pandemic in New York City, where drastic moves to blunt the fallout seem to Rehac to be too little, too late.

“There's so much anger and frustration that these are things that have been impacting us for so long, and it took a pandemic?” Rehac said. “Here's all of this attention and, all of a sudden, all of these resources that everyone said didn't exist.”

Generation Z was already politically liberal, increasingly activist and fed up with the status quo. The oldest members of the generation — which includes those born from 1997 to 2012, according to the Pew Research Center — grew up amid soaring inequality and overwhelmingly backed Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont) in the Democratic primaries. Sanders withdrew from the presidential race on Wednesday.

Now the coronavirus crisis may solidify their political identity, experts say. As the pandemic and its economic havoc exacerbate disparities, some Gen Zers see grim validation of their support for the government-run programs and social-welfare policies less popular with their parents and grandparents. Seventy percent of them believe the government should be doing more to solve problems, compared with 53 percent of Gen Xers and 49 percent of baby boomers, according to Pew.

Gen Z cares “really deeply about inequalities and addressing that directly,” said Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, who directs the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University. “And that's part of the reason big government appeals to them … universal health care, universal income and all that. And I think this pandemic, if anything, would really kind of affirm their position.”

Images of carefree spring breakers, who traveled to beach towns last month as concerns mounted about the virus's spread, have dominated popular views of the generation. The nation erupted with fury at Miami Beach revelers who griped about bar shutdowns. They fed the worst stereotypes of young people as self-absorbed and thoughtless about the elderly — those most likely to die if they didn't help “flatten the curve” to slow the spread of infection so that the health-care system isn't overwhelmed.

But for another segment of the generation — which turned the trauma of school shootings and grim forecasts about the climate into millions-strong movements — the virus has energized their political activism. They see this crisis as inextricably linked to other problems that plague them and wonder whether the coronavirus pandemic could bring more people around to their calls for radical change.

As the seriousness of the crisis settled in for 17-year-old Xiye Bastida, she canceled a trip to Mexico and drew up a strict “quarantine schedule” for her weekdays holed up indoors, limiting herself to one hour of Netflix.

Sacrifice is a driving philosophy of Bastida's politics. The climate activist, whom news outlets have dubbed “America's Greta Thunberg”, has begged others to make big, uncomfortable changes to avert disaster.

“It's for the greater good,” she says of the societal shutdown that put her senior year of high school in limbo.

She and other young activists have been using some of their time in self-quarantine to organize protests and grow the movements behind their own causes. They have incorporated the pandemic into their messaging about health care, climate change and income inequality.

Written into Bastida's Friday schedule: “Strike for Climate and an appropriate government response to COVID-19.”

“They will see this as a life-changing moment in many ways,” Kawashima-Ginsberg predicted, “whereas older adults may see this as a really major disruption in our lives, hopefully going back.”

Xiye Bastida speaks at a climate strike outside of the United Nations building. — Photograph: Felix Kunze.
Xiye Bastida speaks at a climate strike outside of the United Nations building. — Photograph: Felix Kunze.

Xiye Bastida has had to go digital with her climate protests amid the coronavirus pandemic. — Photograph: Courtesy of Xiye Bastida.
Xiye Bastida has had to go digital with her climate protests amid the coronavirus pandemic. — Photograph: Courtesy of Xiye Bastida.

The crisis generation

Bastida doesn't want the world to go back to normal, even as her life in New York City is upended. Yes, prom was canceled; her parents' jobs and work visas are newly uncertain; her family has fled their apartment for a friend's home in Massachusetts, worried about staying in the building where young and old share the same elevator.

But for Bastida, back to normal would mean returning to a society in which individual interest reigns and each generation fends for its own well-being.

“Emotionally, a lot of people are very unsettled … feeling like this is a crisis,” Bastida said of the pandemic. “And this is how we feel every day.”

In a Pew poll conducted in late March, the majority of adult Gen Zers said the virus is a “major threat” to the country's economy and the health of the population. While only 22 percent saw it as a threat to their own health, a majority believe the pandemic put their personal financial situation at risk.

Recent data from the center found workers ages 16 to 24 — half of whom work in the hard-hit service sector — will be disproportionately affected by layoffs due to the virus, although most high school and college students won't get checks from the government’s massive stimulus plan. Researchers are wondering whether the coronavirus pandemic will become to Gen Z what the Great Recession was to millennials.

Millennials “came into adulthood in a really difficult economic time, and they really struggled to get their footing,” said Kim Parker, director of social trends research at the Pew Research Center. “We thought it was going to be different for Gen Z. But now this sort of turns that all upside down.”

Rather than be sidelined by that turmoil, many young activists are finding ways to push their political efforts forward.

Normally, Bastida would march out after AP calculus and set up at city hall for a climate change protest. But in these strange new times, it was a digital strike, with video chats and tweeted pictures of cardboard signs. Savvy with social media and already serving as tech support for work-from-home parents, Gen Z was perfectly fine moving online.

Joe Hobbs, a 17-year-old volunteer for Fridays for Future, the youth climate movement that Thunberg founded, said the pandemic has only intensified many young people's commitments to their causes.

“We're finding that across the globe, Fridays for Future activists and organizers are doing even more because they have nothing else to do,” Hobbs said from Columbia, Maryland, where he's under a stay-at-home order. “They don't have school to distract them.”

March for Our Lives, the student-led group that mobilized for gun control after the Parkland, Florida, school shooting in 2018, has been tweeting about two public health emergencies: “Denial isn't a policy: not for #COVID19, and not for the gun violence epidemic.”

“We need our leaders to ACT to save lives,” the group wrote. “We need REAL policy solutions.”

In Harlem last week, Rehac was talking about rent cancellation at a pro-Sanders town hall held by video. New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (Democrat) has halted evictions for 90 days, but Housing Justice for All, a coalition Rehac belongs to, is pushing him to completely wipe out those months of rent. Rehac argues it's necessary as people stare down weeks and maybe months of unemployment.

She thinks the cancel-rent campaign is gaining steam. And maybe, she added, the pain of shutting down New York City could get more people to listen about the bigger ideas: more stringent rent control, more money for affordable housing.

“If we had a #HomesGuarantee millions of people wouldn't be worried about paying rent tomorrow,” Housing Justice for All tweeted as the April 1 rent due date loomed. “Or on May 1. Or on June 1. Imagine that.”

Other young devotees of Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, also say the virus has underscored vast gaps in wealth and a broken health-care system. Voters age 24 and younger favored Sanders by huge margins in this year's Democratic primaries, with three-quarters choosing him in California and Michigan exit polling.

While their turnout lags behind their elders, Gen Z will comprise 1 in 10 eligible voters at the time of the November presidential election, according to Pew.

The coronavirus crisis “really does expose all the inequities that people knew existed but maybe couldn't see as clearly until this point,” said Roxie Richner. Her high school in Michigan has turned to non-graded “enrichment” activities, she said, unsure how to handle the fact that not everyone has laptops and Internet access.

For years, Richner has been a fervent Sanders supporter — holding a campaign kickoff party in her living room, volunteering ahead of the March 10 Michigan primary and feeling crushed when her candidate lost every county. But maybe, she thought, this moment of upheaval could shift politics in the United States for good. The senator from Vermont has been tweeting about the millions of Americans laid off with “nothing in the bank,” the big companies that said they couldn't afford paid sick leave, and the people who would die because they waited too long to go to the hospital, anxious about the bill.

A day after celebrating her 18th birthday on March 26 with friends over FaceTime — someone tried to light a toothpick because no one had candles — she was feeling stir-crazy and scared, but also wondering if the country might emerge from all this a bit more open to her generation's demands.

“I think it does give people some insight into what it's like experiencing a time of crisis,” Richner said, “and that realization that a lot of America lives in crisis mode 24-7, whether there's a pandemic or not.”

Roxie Richner, a high school student in Michigan, speaks at an Ann Arbor rally organized by climate activists and One University, which advocates equity among University of Michigan campuses. — Photograph: Rachi Willard.
Roxie Richner, a high school student in Michigan, speaks at an Ann Arbor rally organized by climate activists and One University,
which advocates equity among University of Michigan campuses. — Photograph: Rachi Willard.

The greater good

Bastida is wondering whether the needle could move on climate change, the issue she says became personal for her when her Mexican hometown flooded. She spent the last Friday night in March tuning in from her family friends' kitchen to a “Zoom party,” which was really a planning meeting for the Earth Day demonstration that would now have to take place fully online.

“Every crisis needs to be treated like a crisis,” her fellow activist Thunberg had said on a public Zoom call last month, not long before announcing she was recovering after exhibiting symptoms of covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Bastida ran down to-dos with 11 high school and college students calling in from various time zones, some of them wearing pajamas. They wondered who they could get to appear in an Earth Day video. Willow and Jaden Smith? What about Miley Cyrus? TikTok star Charli D'Amelio?

Someone had reached out to about 50 social media influencers and gotten encouraging responses, although one had asked whether the video would be a “paid gig.”

Bastida and her friends laughed: No.

Back in the city she left, her 22-year-old friend Daphne Frias is fighting the coronavirus and pneumonia, isolated in a hotel room that ambulances wail past a dozen times a day.

Immunocompromised with cerebral palsy, Frias spent so much time in hospitals growing up that she calls herself a “professional patient.” She has gotten pneumonia in almost each of the last seven years. She didn't wait for a stay-at-home order, retreating indoors before a single case of the coronavirus was confirmed in New York.

But March 9 was a beautiful, warm day, she said, and she allowed herself a trip outside. Four days later, she was coughing and tired, then dizzy and feverish. She tested positive for the coronavirus.

Her mother and sister quarantined with her at home, donning masks and gloves to throw out the garbage. Friends dropped off groceries outside their apartment. But after making a slow recovery, Frias's fever came roaring back last week, and she decided she needed to separate from her family.

Some of Frias's health-care costs were covered, she said, but other bills — the hotel room, the medications, the four-times-a-day inhalation treatments that clear her already-weak lungs — are adding up to the point that her bank sends fraud alerts. She needs savings to move to Baltimore in a few months for graduate school, where she'll work toward a medical degree and master's in public health. While she found financial relief in a friend's GoFundMe campaign, she knows others are less fortunate.

Like Bastida, her friend and fellow activist, Frias sees an opening. The usual election-year politics seem distant to her as the ups and downs of campaigns gave way to headlines about the struggles of average Americans amid the pandemic.

“We're able to listen in a way that we haven't been able to before,” Frias said. “And I hope that when things go back to normal and it gets noisy again, we can remember to still listen and help people the way that we have now.”


Hannah Knowles is a reporter on The Washington Post's General Assignment team. Before joining The Post in June 2019 as an intern, she worked at CBS News, the Sacramento Bee and her hometown paper, the Mercury News.

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Admin Staff
Posts: 32490

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2020, 09:06:50 am »

from The New York Times…

Why the Wealthy Fear Pandemics

The coronavirus, like other plagues before it,
could shift the balance between rich and poor.

By WALTER SCHEIDEL | Thursday, April 09, 2020

A representation of The Black Death from Germany in the 1600s. The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. — Illustration: Bridgeman Images.
A representation of The Black Death from Germany in the 1600s. The Black Death was one
of the most devastating pandemics in human history. — Illustration: Bridgeman Images.

IN THE fall of 1347, rat fleas carrying bubonic plague entered Italy on a few ships from the Black Sea. Over the next four years, a pandemic tore through Europe and the Middle East. Panic spread, as the lymph nodes in victims' armpits and groins swelled into buboes, black blisters covered their bodies, fevers soared and organs failed. Perhaps a third of Europe's people perished.

Giovanni Boccaccio's The Decameron offers an eyewitness account: “When all the graves were full, huge trenches were excavated in the churchyards, into which new arrivals were placed in their hundreds, stowed tier upon tier like ships' cargo.” According to Agnolo di Tura of Siena, “so many died that all believed it was the end of the world.”

And yet this was only the beginning. The plague returned a mere decade later and periodic flare-ups continued for a century and a half, thinning out several generations in a row. Because of this “destructive plague which devastated nations and caused populations to vanish,” the Arab historian Ibn Khaldun wrote, “the entire inhabited world changed.”

The wealthy found some of these changes alarming. In the words of an anonymous English chronicler, “Such a shortage of laborers ensued that the humble turned up their noses at employment, and could scarcely be persuaded to serve the eminent for triple wages.” Influential employers, such as large landowners, lobbied the English crown to pass the Ordinance of Laborers, which informed workers that they were “obliged to accept the employment offered” for the same measly wages as before.

But as successive waves of plague shrunk the work force, hired hands and tenants “took no notice of the King's command,” as the Augustinian clergyman Henry Knighton complained. “If anyone wanted to hire them he had to submit to their demands, for either his fruit and standing corn would be lost or he had to pander to the arrogance and greed of the workers.”

As a result of this shift in the balance between labor and capital, we now know, thanks to painstaking research by economic historians, that real incomes of unskilled workers doubled across much of Europe within a few decades. According to tax records that have survived in the archives of many Italian towns, wealth inequality in most of these places plummeted. In England, workers ate and drank better than they did before the plague and even wore fancy furs that used to be reserved for their betters. At the same time, higher wages and lower rents squeezed landlords, many of whom failed to hold on to their inherited privilege. Before long, there were fewer lords and knights, endowed with smaller fortunes, than there had been when the plague first struck.

But these outcomes were not a given. For centuries and indeed millenniums, great plagues and other severe shocks have shaped political preferences and decision-making by those in charge. The policy choices that result determine whether inequality rises or falls in response to such calamities. And history teaches us that these choices can change societies in very different ways.

Looking at the historical record across Europe during the late Middle Ages, we see that elites did not readily cede ground, even under extreme pressure after a pandemic. During the Great Rising of England's peasants in 1381, workers demanded, among other things, the right to freely negotiate labor contracts. Nobles and their armed levies put down the revolt by force, in an attempt to coerce people to defer to the old order. But the last vestiges of feudal obligations soon faded. Workers could hold out for better wages, and landlords and employers broke ranks with each other to compete for scarce labor.

Elsewhere, however, repression carried the day. In late medieval Eastern Europe, from Prussia and Poland to Russia, nobles colluded to impose serfdom on their peasantries to lock down a depleted labor force. This altered the long-term economic outcomes for the entire region: Free labor and thriving cities drove modernization in western Europe, but in the eastern periphery, development fell behind.

Farther south, the Mamluks of Egypt, a regime of foreign conquerors of Turkic origin, maintained a united front to keep their tight control over the land and continue exploiting the peasantry. The Mamluks forced the dwindling subject population to hand over the same rent payments, in cash and kind, as before the plague. This strategy sent the economy into a tailspin as farmers revolted or abandoned their fields.

But more often than not, repression failed. The first known plague pandemic in Europe and the Middle East, which started in 541, provides the earliest example. Anticipating the English Ordinance of Laborers by 800 years, the Byzantine emperor Justinian railed against scarce workers who “demand double and triple wages and salaries, in violation of ancient customs” and forbade them “to yield to the detestable passion of avarice” — to charge market wages for their labor. The doubling or tripling of real incomes reported on papyrus documents from the Byzantine province of Egypt leaves no doubt that his decree fell on deaf ears.

In the Americas, Spain's conquistadores faced similar challenges. In what was the most horrific pandemic in all of history, unleashed as soon as Columbus made landfall in the Caribbean, smallpox and measles decimated Indigenous societies across the Western Hemisphere. The conquistadores' advance was expedited by this devastation, and the invaders swiftly rewarded themselves with enormous estates and whole villages of peons. For a while, heavy-handed enforcement of wage controls set by the Viceroyalty of New Spain kept the surviving workers from reaping any benefits from the growing labor shortage. But when labor markets were finally opened up after 1600, real wages in central Mexico tripled.

None of these stories had a happy ending for the masses. When population numbers recovered after the plague of Justinian, the Black Death and the American pandemics, wages slid downward and elites were firmly back in control. Colonial Latin America went on to produce some of the most extreme inequalities on record. In most European societies, disparities in income and wealth rose for four centuries all the way up to the eve of World War I. It was only then that a new great wave of catastrophic upheavals undermined the established order, and economic inequality dropped to lows not witnessed since the Black Death, if not the fall of the Roman Empire.

In looking for illumination from the past on our current pandemic, we must be wary of superficial analogies. Even in the worst-case scenario, Covid-19 will kill a far smaller share of the world's population than any of these earlier disasters did, and it will touch the active work force and the next generation even more lightly. Labor won't become scarce enough to drive up wages, nor will the value of real estate plummet. And our economies no longer rely on farmland and manual labor.

Yet the most important lesson of history endures. The impact of any pandemic goes well beyond lives lost and commerce curtailed. Today, America faces a fundamental choice between defending the status quo and embracing progressive change. The current crisis could prompt redistributive reforms akin to those triggered by the Great Depression and World War II, unless entrenched interests prove too powerful to overcome.


• Walter Scheidel, a professor of classics and history at Stanford University, is the author of The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality From the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century.

• This article is part of “The America We Need”, a New York Times Opinion series exploring how the nation can emerge from this crisis stronger, fairer and more free. Read the introductory editorial and the editor's letter.


Related to this topic:

 • American Democracy May Be Dying — Authoritarian rule may be just around the corner. (April 09, 2020).

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2020, 02:43:59 pm »

soon AI robots will take over all the jobs and be controlled by the ultra-wealthy,

then our money won't be worth shit and everyone will be on the dole lol

by that time people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos will own the world and everything in it including your crappy life

won't that be just wonderful
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 02:51:20 pm by Im2Sexy4MyPants » Report Spam   Logged

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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2020, 03:43:47 pm »

Excellent news … a real estate agent who is a close friend of Donald J. Trump has karked it as a result of the convid-19 virus.

Good job … I hope plenty more of Trump's mates and associates catch the virus and die.

Ditto Trump's stupid, deplorable supporters who were silly enough to believe their “fake president” when he claimed it was all a hoax.

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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2020, 01:13:32 pm »

when he claimed it was all a hoax
you silly bunny telling lies again Grin

During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax."

Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax that was a misquote and fake news

try fact-checking your stupid story
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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2020, 02:59:40 pm »

Desperately attempt to put all the spin on it you like.

The FACTS are that your “fake president” hero is a stupid simpleton who is lashing out because he KNOWS he is clearly “out of his depth” and is a hollow-shell of an emperor with no clothes.

All of his ineptitude, narcissism, lies and bullying are now blowing up in his face, big-time. And he cannot do anything to stop it now.

If you want to see some hilarious entertainment, go and look at video footage of today's unhinged rant from Trump during his White House press conference.

(there are plenty of copies of the footage online, including on the White House's official YouTube channel)

He has clearly lost the plot completely and has displayed to America and the world how mentally-ill and intellectually-retarded he really is.

A sad, sad, pathetic individual who thought he could be “emperor” of the United States of America, but who has fucked-up BIG-TIME and he knows it!!

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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2020, 05:58:15 pm »

trumps coming revolution against the communist pigs…

you fail to see the real picture, you think Trump is on his own he was picked by a group that started their plans in the 1950s to destroy the commie infiltration and corruption of America and the world by a corrupt rich elite cabal that is international

the new world order  

he didn't want to do it, they chose him because he had his own money to fund his campaign and can't be bought off like the rest
this group they are working full time to rip your heroes a new arshole

they will win this, your lot will lose that's why the Dems are all in the full panicking mode 
Grin some time real soon their will be military trials where the whole world will seel their crimes exposed for all to see
and they are crapping their pants because they know he is at war with them his group will get them all, he knows all the things they have done.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 06:11:09 pm by Im2Sexy4MyPants » Report Spam   Logged

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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2020, 07:33:53 pm »

Faaaaaaark … you've obviously been listening to too much delusional bullshit from that clown who fronts InfoWars.

The idiot who spouted that Hillary Clinton was running a paedophile ring and kid-torture chamber beneath a pizza joint in Washington D.C.

Hahaha … and one of the simpletons who was gullible enough to believe his delusional bullshit got banged up in jail when he stormed the pizza joint with firearms.

Guess what? There was nothing there. Just a pizza joint. All because some stupid Trump-supporter believed the bullshit spouted via InfoWars.

Faaaaarking hilarious, eh?

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