trumps coming revolution against the communist pigs…
you fail to see the real picture, you think Trump is on his own he was picked by a group that started their plans in the 1950s to destroy the commie infiltration and corruption of America and the world by a corrupt rich elite cabal that is international
the new world order
he didn't want to do it, they chose him because he had his own money to fund his campaign and can't be bought off like the rest
this group they are working full time to rip your heroes a new arshole
they will win this, your lot will lose that's why the Dems are all in the full panicking mode

some time real soon their will be military trials where the whole world will seel their crimes exposed for all to see
and they are crapping their pants because they know he is at war with them his group will get them all, he knows all the things they have done.