Admin Staff

Posts: 32511
Having fun in the hills!
« on: March 24, 2020, 09:00:25 pm » |
Yeah, it was nothing to worry about in Italy too.
And it was nothing to worry about in America where Trump tweeted it was “fake news” until thousands of Americans came down with the virus and hundreds started to die. And they're only at the beginning of the same curve Italy was at before it got really bad.
So you keep spouting bullshit about the virus being nothing to worry about.
I reckon you're one of those selfish dickheads who is flouting the lock-down and who will eventually become infected, then spread it all around your community due to your selfishness and fuck-you pig-ignorance. But then again, you ARE a stupid Trump-supporter, so I'm not surprised you are an ignorant, selfish twat as well.
If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space!  