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Donald J. Trump's worst nightmare is now happening…

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Author Topic: Donald J. Trump's worst nightmare is now happening…  (Read 1201 times)
Admin Staff
Posts: 32517

Having fun in the hills!

« on: March 09, 2020, 07:23:48 pm »

…not only is this going to fuck up the American shale-oil industry, but the American stock market is going to crash even more rapidly.

Dear, oh dear … Trump has stupidly been claiming credit for a bull rise in American stocks. I guess he is going to have to wear the huge crash which is coming.

Couldn't happen to a more-deserving “fake president” eh?

from The Washington Post…

Stock futures sink deep into the red as oil prices
plummet and coronavirus fears spread

Saudi Arabia opens the spigot as it launches a price war.

By WILL ENGLUND | 10:11PM EDT — Sunday, March 08, 2020

A pump jack operates above an oil well in the Bakken Formation outside Williston, North Dakota. Saudi Arabia has flooded the market with hundreds of thousands of barrels of additional oil per day and offered steep discounts to refineries worldwide, sparking predictions of oil prices falling even lower on Monday. — Photograph: Bloomberg News.
A pump jack operates above an oil well in the Bakken Formation outside Williston, North Dakota. Saudi Arabia has flooded
the market with hundreds of thousands of barrels of additional oil per day and offered steep discounts to refineries
worldwide, sparking predictions of oil prices falling even lower on Monday. — Photograph: Bloomberg News.

STOCK FUTURES sank deep into the red on Sunday, with the Dow expected to open as much as 1,200 points down Monday morning, as a new oil war sparked by the coronavirus outbreak sent prices plummeting.

The price of West Texas Intermediate crude, largely used in the United States, fell from about $41 to $32 a barrel on Sunday night, a low not seen in four years. While the tumble should lower prices at the pump for consumers, it is terrible news for stock markets, as well as oil companies and their massive workforces, which could see hard times ahead.

Asian markets plunged on the news, with Japanese stocks falling 4 percent after they opened. Australia's market declined 5 percent at the open. Meanwhile, the yield on the U.S. 10-year treasury momentarily slipped below .5 percent for the first time in history on Sunday night as investors fled for safe havens.

Saudi Arabia had pushed last week for a steep cut in production by OPEC countries and by those oil producers in league with OPEC, particularly Russia. The idea was to prop up prices in the wake of a global decline in demand because of the epidemic of covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. But Russia balked, not wanting to give up market share, and over the weekend, the Saudis turned 180 degrees.

They are now moving to flood the market with hundreds of thousands of barrels of additional oil per day and offering steep discounts to refineries around the world.

Analysts fear the move is the beginning of a price war between the Saudis and Russia — which will squeeze American shale oil producers as prices are heading sharply downward.

West Texas Intermediate crude, one of the industry's price benchmarks, fell 10 percent Friday before the Saudi announcement, closing at $41.28 a barrel. By Sunday evening, it had fallen an additional 25 percent. The last time West Texas Intermediate fell below $40 was in August 2016.

“$20 oil in 2020 is coming,” Ali Khedery, a former U.S. official in Iraq and onetime Middle East expert with Exxon, wrote on Twitter. “Huge geopolitical implications. Timely stimulus for net consumers. Catastrophic for failed/failing petro-kleptocracies Iraq, Iran, etc. — may prove existential 1-2 punch when paired with COVID19.”

In the face of Russian intransigence, the Saudis were unwilling to make unilateral cuts in production. But the problem they face as they enter into a price war is that Russia is better positioned to sustain a stretch of cheap oil.

The Russians believe cutting production would open the door to more American competition, by raising prices and reducing supply, said Mikhail Leontiev, a spokesman for the Russian oil giant Rosneft.

“From the point of view of Russian interests, this deal [to cut production] is simply meaningless,” Leontiev told the Ria Novosti news agency Sunday. “We, yielding our own markets, remove cheap Arab and Russian oil from them in order to clear a place for expensive American shale. And to ensure the efficiency of its production. Our volumes are simply replaced by the volumes of our competitors. This is masochism.”

The Saudi oil company Aramco is offering discounts of between $6 and $8 for delivery in April, it announced late on Saturday. Its shares fell below their original IPO price on Sunday for the first time on the Saudi exchange.

A production-cut agreement could still happen. An advisory-level OPEC meeting is scheduled for later this month, and the Russians have said they are open to further talks.


Will Englund is an energy reporter for the financial section of The Washington Post. Previously, the Pulitzer Prize winner completed three tours as Moscow correspondent for the newspaper. He also did two stints in Russia in the 1990s for the Baltimore Sun. Educated at Harvard College, where he received an A.B. in English; and at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, where he was awarded a M.S., Will has also been the recipient of an Overseas Press Club award and a George Polk award. He joined The Washington Post in October 2010.


Related to this topic:

 • Wild week on Wall Street ends with stocks down, bonds up, coronavirus fears persisting

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
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« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2020, 08:29:08 am »

oh this echo chamber fake news makes you cum in your pants
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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2020, 08:57:54 am »

from The New York Times...

Stocks Plunge by the Most Since 1987: Live Updates

In other words: “Fake President” Donald J. Trump's ban on Europeans flying to the USA has made the stock market crash considerably worse!!

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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2020, 09:27:38 am »

from The Washington Post…

Trump's Oval Office failure

Trump calms no one.

By JENNIFER RUBIN | 9:00AM EDT — Thursday, March 12, 2020

President Donald J. Trump addresses the nation from the Oval Office about the coronavirus crisis on Wednesday. — Photograph: Doug Mills/Pool Photo/Agence France-Presse/via Getty Images.
President Donald J. Trump addresses the nation from the Oval Office about the coronavirus crisis on Wednesday.
 — Photograph: Doug Mills/Pool Photo/Agence France-Presse/via Getty Images.

AN Oval Office speech is supposed to project the full authority of the president and set forth a plan of action to deal with an ongoing threat or crisis. From the Oval Office, presidents declare war and respond to calamities. They provide comfort and stability. On Wednesday night, however, President Trump merely reinforced the widespread impression that he is in over his head handling a worldwide pandemic.

Struggling to read from the teleprompter and sounding breathless at times, he did not look well. The Washington Post reported:

For the 11 minutes he addressed the nation on Wednesday, Trump turned in a laboring performance — one intended to project calm competence that instead seemed to reveal uncertainty. Seated behind the Resolute Desk, the president struggled at moments to read the words on the teleprompter. He clasped his hands and twiddled his thumbs. He spoke with a curious affect, his voice sounding raspy and his delivery lacking the passion typically evident in his speeches.

The content of his speech surely did nothing to make us feel any better. Perhaps it has dawned on him that the bull market has ended on his watch and that he is about to face potentially thousands of new coronavirus cases. (He nevertheless continues to brag about the economy as the markets crater.)

Trump, of course, used the time to congratulate himself on handling everything so well. Even Republican governors acknowledge that the lack of swift federal action, including widespread testing, has been a debacle. Trump declares things would have been much worse if not for his preparation. As cases and deaths continue to increase in the coming days and weeks, that ludicrous lie will likely become apparent.

Trump has no idea what to do with a pandemic now spreading within our borders. Naturally, he announces a ban on travel from Europe — but not the United Kingdom — for 30 days. He said there would be a ban on cargo as well. (It “will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but various other things,” he said.) But the White House later contradicted him and further clarified that it would not apply to American nationals. (Was he ad-libbing? Did the speechwriters get it wrong?) The confusion about something so basic as this reveals the degree to which the president is acting on impulse and whim.

I have no idea what this travel moratorium might accomplish, but make no mistake: Trump wants everyone to know this is all China's and the European Union's fault. Calling it a “foreign virus,” he aims to feed his base's xenophobia. In fact, transmission of the virus is already taking place all over the country. He cannot deport a virus. There was no word on the availability of testing or other measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

Trump's own proposals are puny and irrelevant. Small-business loans? That's going to accomplish nothing. When he utters nonsensical phrases such as “This is just a temporary moment of time,” or “The virus will not have a chance against us,” you wonder whether he understands, even now, the gravity of the health crisis. “A temporary moment of time” will long be remembered, given the thousands of Americans who will likely contract the deadly virus.

On Thursday, former vice president Joe Biden — the all-but-certain Democratic presidential nominee — will deliver remarks about the coronavirus. Whatever he says will certainly sound more logical and informed than the president's Oval Office appearance. We are about to witness the yawning gap between a dysfunctional and unfit president and an opponent who today could pick up the reins of power and calm the country. Trump's remarks sent stock futures and oil prices plummeting, an immediate vote of no confidence from the markets.

Republicans in Congress and other elected offices have stuck by Trump through screw-ups, scandals and impeachment. Whether they choose to excuse his ineptitude and applaud his negligent response to a pandemic that will cost American lives remains to be seen. Continuing to cover for him puts their own constituents at risk, a steep price to pay for their sycophancy.

Unfortunately, the president's delinquency in dealing with a worldwide pandemic and his utterly insufficient response, coupled with the blizzard of misinformation he and his lackeys are spreading, have real-world consequences. The blame for the health and economic crisis will lie largely with him. (Indeed, other democracies, contrary to Trump's attacks, have acted with greater urgency and farsightedness than Trump to protect their people's health.)

Trump's self-absorption and incompetence never fail to amaze. At a time when state and local governments are pleading for social distancing and banning large events, Trump refuses even to mention these important mitigation efforts. (He quietly canceled events, however, in Colorado, Wisconsin and Nevada.) To soothe his own ego, he quite literally is willing to make Americans sick.


Jennifer Rubin writes reported opinion from a center-right perspective for The Washington Post. She covers a range of domestic and foreign policy issues and provides insight into the conservative movement, the Republican Party and threats to Western democracies. Rubin, who is also an MSNBC contributor, came to The Post after three years with Commentary magazine. Prior to her career in journalism, Rubin practiced labor law for two decades, an experience that informs and enriches her work. She is a mother of two sons and lives in Northern Virginia.

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Admin Staff
Posts: 32517

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2020, 09:55:29 am »

from The Washington Post…

Joe Biden already sounds as if he's the president

Biden shows what a competent plan to address coronavirus looks like.

By JENNIFER RUBIN | 3:29PM EDT — Thursday, March 12, 2020

In Wilmington, Delaware, on March 12, former vice president Joe Biden listed ways he said the government could act to help Americans as coronavirus spreads. — Photograph: Ryan Collerd/Bloomberg.
In Wilmington, Delaware, on March 12, former vice president Joe Biden listed ways he said the government
could act to help Americans as coronavirus spreads. — Photograph: Ryan Collerd/Bloomberg.

SPEAKING FROM Wilmington, Delaware, without an audience, former vice president Joe Biden demonstrated what a president should sound like and do in the midst of a pandemic. He was calm, forceful and direct. He had a detailed plan to offer. And most of all, he showed compassion for those afflicted — something President Trump seems incapable of doing — and made clear we are all in this together. “It will infect Republicans, independents and Democrats alike,” Biden said. “It will touch people in positions in power, as well as the most vulnerable in our society.” He added, “The coronavirus does not discriminate based on national origin, race, gender, or Zip code.”

The contrast with Trump's inept performance on Wednesday night was breathtaking. Biden rebuked Trump for xenophobia and blame-casting. “Neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia,” he said. “Labeling covid-19 a ‘foreign virus’ does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have been taken thus far by the Trump administration. Let me be crystal clear: The coronavirus does not have a political affiliation.”

He made clear that the White House had dropped the ball, pointing to its failure to test Americans on a massive scale. “The administration's failure on testing is colossal, and it's a failure of planning, leadership and execution,” Biden said. “By next week, the number of tests should be in the millions, not the thousands.”

Most important, he laid out a detailed plan both in his speech and in writing, displaying a mastery of the topic and of government light-years beyond anything the White House has devised. The plan would:

• Ensure that every person who needs a test can get one — and that testing for those who need it is free. Individuals should also not have to pay anything out of their own pockets for the visit at which the test is ordered, regardless of their immigration status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must draw on advice from outside scientists to clarify the criteria for testing, including consideration of prioritizing first responders and health care workers so they can return to addressing the crisis.

• Establish at least ten mobile testing sites and drive-through facilities per state to speed testing and protect health care workers. Starting in large cities and rapidly expanding beyond, the CDC must work with private labs and manufacturers to ensure adequate production capacity, quality control, training, and technical assistance. The number of tests must be in the millions, not the thousands.

• Provide a daily public White House report on how many tests have been done by the CDC, state and local health authorities, and private laboratories.

• Expand CDC sentinel surveillance programs and other surveillance programs so that we can offer tests not only to those who ask but also to those who may not know to ask, especially vulnerable populations like nursing home patients and people with underlying medical conditions. This must be done in collaboration with private sector health care entities.

• Task the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to help establish a diagnosis code for COVID-19 on an emergency basis so that surveillance can be done using claims data.

There were additional proposals on guaranteed sick leave (including those who have to care for infected or quarantined people), expanded unemployment benefits, reimbursement for employers whose employees must be quarantined, support to schools for remote learning, aid to states and localities to cover expenses associated with the pandemic and mortgage/rent relief. Unlike Trump, who is warring with allies, Biden recommends “creation of a Global Health Emergency Board to harmonize crisis response for vulnerable communities.” The plan explains, “The Board will convene leadership of the United States, our G-7 partners, and other countries in support of the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure a coordinated health and economic response globally, especially with respect to vulnerable countries.”

He said he would fully staff all government agencies and entities responsible for global health. He told the audience he could not understand why Trump deactivated the position on the National Security Council responsible for pandemics.

Biden did not over-promise, thereby establishing his credibility. “We will lead by science,” he said. “Downplaying [the coronavirus] and being overly dismissive or spreading misinformation is only going to hurt us and further advantage the spread of the disease.”

Seeing what presidential behavior looks like is enough to bring tears to one's eyes, especially knowing a new president won't arrive until January at the earliest. The basics of leadership — mastering the facts that give one authority, displaying empathy, being honest about the extent of the crisis without fomenting panic and giving people a sense that they will not go without care — are entirely beyond Trump's reach. To see them on display was like finding a precious family heirloom you had misplaced.

Biden closed with a series of promises that should not have been noteworthy. However, they now stand out, a bright light at the end of our very dark Trumpian tunnel. “No President can promise to prevent future outbreaks. But I can promise you that when I'm president, we will prepare better, respond better, and recover better…. We will listen to experts and heed their advice. We will rebuild American leadership and rally the world to meet global threats.” He added, “And I will always, always tell you the truth. That is the responsibility of a president. That is what is owed to the American people.” What a delight it would be to have a president who did not compulsively lie.

Biden had a rare opportunity to show how he would do the job. He and his top-notch staff who helped put together the plan hit it out of the ballpark. November cannot come soon enough.


Jennifer Rubin writes reported opinion from a center-right perspective for The Washington Post. She covers a range of domestic and foreign policy issues and provides insight into the conservative movement, the Republican Party and threats to Western democracies. Rubin, who is also an MSNBC contributor, came to The Post after three years with Commentary magazine. Prior to her career in journalism, Rubin practiced labor law for two decades, an experience that informs and enriches her work. She is a mother of two sons and lives in Northern Virginia.


Related to this topic:

 • VIDEO: Biden outlines plan he says Trump can use to combat coronavirus

 • VIDEO: Trump fans believe him over the media on coronavirus. This is dangerous.

 • Max Boot: Who could have predicted Trump would be such a bad crisis manager? Everyone, actually.

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2020, 04:43:51 pm »

Political bullshit

the main problem is most of the worlds medical supply's come from china
which has now proven to be a stupid globalist idea

former vice president Joe Biden listed ways he said the government
could act to help Americans as coronavirus spreads.

Biden doesn't know how to wipe his own arse

Trump is doing a great job
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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2020, 08:45:37 am »

All the gains in the American stock market since Trump became president have now been lost, and more.

Hilarious … Trump has been claiming since he became president that the stock market prices are as a result of his presidency.

Which means that as he was silly enough to claim that, the losses are also as a result of his presidency.

That's what happens when seven-times-bankrupt “stupid” gets elected to be “fake president”.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha … suck eggs, dumbfuck & stupid Trump supporter.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
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« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2020, 12:41:55 pm »

the whole worlds stock market is fucked the same thing in NZ you are an idiot
everyone will get this China virus maybe you will die, you old silly white man

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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2020, 01:10:49 pm »

Keep your head buried in the sand, dumbfuck..

The economic downturn started in Trump's America and it will hit places like Woodville really hard.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2020, 02:23:12 pm »

it started in Wuhan China you old white fool and it's causing a major world depression
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 02:37:39 pm by Im2Sexy4MyPants » Report Spam   Logged

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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2020, 09:46:39 pm »

Made a thousand times worse in America by Trump's stupidity.

You knpw what's hilarious? For the past few weeks, Trump has been denying the virus is real. And his stupid supporters have been believing him. Except that now, a lot of Trump supporters are getting sick with the virus. And now that Trump has changed tack and desperately tried to make it look like he is doing something to protect Americans from the virus, his stupid supporters are claiming it is “fake news” that Trump denied the virus was real. And when video footage of Trump saying the virus wasn't real was produced, those stupid Trump supporters then tried to claim the video footage was fake and had been doctored by Trump's enemies to make Trump look stupid. Just goes to show what a bunch of stupid arse-lickers Trump supporters are. I hope they all get really SICK from Trump's fake virus and that heaps of them die from the nasty complications caused in some people by the virus. As they take their last breaths, then can believe to their dying second that it is all “FAKE NEWS!!” What a hoot, eh?

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2020, 09:00:54 am »

Trump has been denying the virus is real

this is a real virus, I can't see anyone saying it's fake,
you will get this virus it's airborne it can survive floating in the air for over 3 hours
and you can get it more than once
there is no escape
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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2020, 09:48:46 pm »

There is video footage of Trump loudly proclaiming at recent rallies he has held that the virus is nothing more than a mild flu, hyped into something nasty by “fake news” and the Democrats and Obama. And Trump's stupid supporters cheered him when he made those claims. Just goes to show what a LIAR Trump is and what a bunch of stupid boofheads his supporters are.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2020, 11:58:28 am »

your story is a fucking lie
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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2020, 08:55:08 pm »

Just go to video footage on YouTube of Trump addressing his last couple of rallies, and there he is … proclaiming that the virus is “fake news” because it is just like minor flu.

You can call it a lie all you like, the simple fact is that every time Trump spouts his mouth off like that at one of his rallies, somebody is filming it.

It's called irrefutable evidence, dumbfuck!!
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
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« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2020, 02:09:33 pm »

either put up or fuck up you show the video you bullshit artist
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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2020, 07:18:37 pm »

either put up or fuck up you show the video you bullshit artist

Sit yourself down and watch the following video from start to finish...

...that was only three weeks ago.

There is plenty more video footage out there too, including Trump telling his supporters at rallies that the virus is a “hoax” pushed by the “fake news” and Democrats to make him look bad.

I guess you're probably too dumb to go looking, but I've provided you with one video clip. Now go and find some more. I've already found plenty more. Show us you are intelligent enough to use the search functions embedded with YouTube instead of simply another mentally-retarded worshipper of a stupid emperor with no clothes.

And trawl back through Trump's tweets to find yet more examples of America's “fake president” lying through his teeth about the seriousness of the COVID-19 virus.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
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« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2020, 10:33:22 pm »

nothing in that video supports your fake claim
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« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2020, 11:35:41 pm »

Oh dear, couldn't even stay awake while your hero waffled on an hour of bullshit.

If you hadn't nodded off, you'd have seen and heard it.

Dumbfuck!! View it again and pay attention this time.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
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« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2020, 09:24:25 am »

I saw it all and it proves your full of bullshit
sorry clown, there's nothing there
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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2020, 10:55:01 am »

I saw it all and it proves your full of bullshit
sorry clown, there's nothing there

You saw it all but fell asleep during it, or else you are too intellectually challenged to comprehend what you are seeing and hearing.

Okay then, click on the link and read about it in a more simple form for intellectually-challenged dumbfuck people to understand...

Trump: ‘Fake News Media’, Democrats working to ‘inflame the CoronaVirus situation’

But further than reading that, CLICK HERE to read one of Trump's own Tweets from less than two weeks ago minimalizing the threat from the virus and claiming it was all a plot by Democrats to make him look bad. If you trawl back through Trump's tweets (something I know you will deliberately CHOOSE to not do), there is example after example after example of Trump screaming “fake news” and trying to claim the virus is all a hoax perpetrated by Trump's enemies to make him look bad. That is your stupid, lying, narcissistic hero “fake president” for you. Just as well for America they will have President Joe Biden as their leader after this year's elections. They desperately NEED a “real president” instead of the “fake president” they are currently infested with.

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2020, 04:47:38 pm »

Trump: ‘Fake News Media’, Democrats working to ‘inflame the CoronaVirus situation’

this is true so what the fuck are you on about

In your own words, you are supporting Trump with the fact that people should not act like headless chooks
Reply #2 on: March 08, 2020, 02:06:06 pm »

Cough cough cough yourself.

Intelligent folks aren't running around in panic circles indulging in headless-chookism over the virus.

We'll leave that dumb shit to stupid rednecks, righties, conspiracy theorists and Trump-supporters.

hey, lefty white trash dumbo have you stocked up on toilet paper yet?

the scaremongering from the media and the democrats is causing panic they are the headless chooks acting like babies
« Last Edit: March 20, 2020, 05:04:54 pm by Im2Sexy4MyPants » Report Spam   Logged

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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2020, 10:36:17 am »

“Fake President” Donald J. Trump's own words turned against him…

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