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Having fun in the hills!
« on: March 02, 2020, 11:08:27 am » |
from STUFF…Coronavirus: Brian Tamaki blames Satanic airborne demons, drinking of bat's bloodDestiny Church leader suggests faith will protect tithe-payers from pandemic.By JOHN WEEKS | 4:20PM — Sunday, 01 March 2020 Bishop Brian Tamaki said on Sunday malevolent Satanic spirits transmitted airborne diseases such as coronavirus.DESTINY CHURCH leader Brian Tamaki has blamed airborne demons and human cruelty to animals for the coronavirus outbreak.
He also suggested some born-again Christians could have special protection from the deadly disease.
“Satan has control of atmospheres unless you're a born-again, Jesus-loving, bible-believing, Holy Ghost-filled, tithe-paying believer,” Bishop Tamaki said on Sunday morning.
Tamaki acknowledged modern medicine could help tackle pandemics but also referred to what he called the “PS-91 protection policy”, based on Psalm 91:3.
“You're the only one that can walk through atmospheres and have literally a protection, the PS-91 protection policy,” Tamaki told people at Destiny's South Auckland centre and live stream viewers.
The Psalm, in the New International Version Bible, reads: “Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.”
Tamaki added: “I don't care if you don't believe it … Everybody else is susceptible.”
Citing reports the disease originated in a Chinese wild animal market in Wuhan, he urged people not to blame animals eaten at the market.
“It's an unnatural environment, it's a cruelty … You're not supposed to be drinking bats' blood”. Travellers wearing face masks exiting the arrivals hall at Auckland International Airport. — Photograph: David White.Tamaki also addressed reports of panic buying at supermarkets.
“We don't need to do that, that sort of hysteria … you never panic.”
He said antidotes and human behavioural changes could stop pandemics, but said he disagreed with closing borders or keeping people of other races out of the country.
Tamaki said he had studied the 10 worst pandemics and Biblical history of pestilences.
“Remember Ebola? Remember, way back, the Black Death, do you remember cholera? No you wouldn't. These are big pandemic diseases that took out millions of people's lives and killed them.”
He added: “Im not a PhD but I have the highest doctorates, in whatever you, in the word of God. Nobody bigger in the nation right now.”
Tamaki said that statement might sound a “bit proud” and then discussed the speed of sneezes and manner in which viruses infect the lungs.
Interpreting Ephesians 2:2, which refers to “the prince of the power of the air,” Tamaki said some evil spirits invaded human bodies.
“Satanic spirits control invisibility on a certain level where they can energise.”
Tamaki also said the United Nations and some other global bodies “want to manipulate these pandemics to control people”.
The Ministry of Health's coronavirus prevention advice includes washing and drying hands frequently and thoroughly, staying home if sick, covering coughs and sneezes, preparing food safely and avoiding contact with people with flu-like illnesses. Jevan Goulter, right, was campaign manager for Hannah Tamaki's Vision New Zealand party. — Photograph: via Twitter. The Project host Kanoa Lloyd said on Monday night's episode she didn't wish to see a “homophobic paso doble or a xenophobic cha-cha” on Dancing with the Stars. — Photograph: Lawrence Smith.The bishop's wife Hannah Tamaki briefly addressed Sunday's service, which also covered other topics including the Tamakis' upcoming 40th wedding anniversary.
But nobody explicitly referred to sacked Vision New Zealand Party campaign manager Jevan Goulter's comments about TV personality Kanoa Lloyd.
Lloyd said on Monday night's episode of The Project she didn't wish to see a “homophobic paso doble or a xenophobic cha-cha” on Dancing with the Stars.
Goulter made comments about Lloyd on social media, but soon apologised for the “downright disgusting” comments.
TV Three on Tuesday dropped Hannah Tamaki from the dancing show.
STUFF has chosen not to republish Goulter's comments.
If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space!  
Admin Staff

Posts: 32517
Having fun in the hills!
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2020, 11:10:32 am » |
If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space!  