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Donald J. Trump's hate-filled, white-trash STORMTROOPERS…

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Author Topic: Donald J. Trump's hate-filled, white-trash STORMTROOPERS…  (Read 397 times)
Admin Staff
Posts: 32511

Having fun in the hills!

« on: January 20, 2020, 11:36:05 am »

from The Washington Post…

FBI arrests 3 alleged members of white-supremacist
group ‘the Base’ ahead of Virginia gun rally

The charges come amid growing concerns about safety surrounding
planned gun rights protests in Richmond next week.

By SHANE HARRIS and DEVLIN BARRETT | 12:50PM — Thursday, January 17, 2020

Photograph: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg News.
Photograph: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg News.

THE FBI has arrested three alleged members of a white-supremacist group on federal gun and alien-harboring charges amid growing concerns about safety surrounding planned gun rights protests in Virginia's capital next week.

The charges announced on Thursday grew from an investigation of a collection of online extremists who refer to themselves as “the Base,” which is the English translation of “al-Qaeda.” According to experts who track hate groups, its members promote racist views and seek to unite different hate groups in preparation for a race war.

Officials said Brian Mark Lemley Jr., 33, and William Bilbrough IV, 19, both of Maryland, were charged with transporting an alien and conspiring to harbor an alien. Lemley is also charged with transporting a machine gun. Also charged is Patrik Mathews, 27, who has been living in Newark, Delaware. He is accused of transporting a firearm and ammunition with the intent to commit a felony.

Federal officials moved on the trio partly out of concerns they might engage in violence at a gun rights rally planned for Monday in Richmond, according to people familiar with the investigation. The Virginia General Assembly's new Democratic majority is advancing four bills that seek to restrict some people's access to firearms.

“Lemley, Mathews, and Bilbrough are members of a white supremacist organization named ‘The Base’,” the complaint charges. “Within The Base's encrypted chat rooms, members have discussed, among other things, recruitment, creating a white ethno-state, committing acts of violence against minority communities (including African-Americans and Jewish-Americans), the organization's military-style training camps, and ways to make improvised explosive devices.”

Lemley previously served as an Army scout, while Mathews was a combat engineer in the Canadian army reserve, according to court papers.

Mathews went missing in Canada in August, and U.S. officials say that after he slipped across the border, Lemley and Bilbrough met up with him in Michigan and brought him to Maryland and Delaware.

The court papers charge that Lemley and Mathews used gun parts “to make a functioning assault rifle.”

On January 2, an FBI agent watched as Lemley took the weapon to a gun range in Maryland “and heard what appeared to be more than one bullet being fired at a time,” according to the documents.

After returning from the gun range, Lemley allegedly told Mathews, “Oops, it looks like I accidentally made a machine gun,” and noted that they would be in trouble if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives found out about the weapon.

In advance of Monday's gun rights protests in Richmond, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (Democrat) has declared a state of emergency, temporarily banning weapons from the Capitol grounds, citing “threats of armed confrontation and assault on our Capitol.”

The governor's declaration means that from Friday evening until Tuesday night, firearms, sticks, bats, chains and other weapons will be prohibited on Capitol Square and throughout the Capitol complex.

Monday is the state's traditional citizen lobbying day, and gun rights groups are organizing a large demonstration to oppose the proposed legislation.

The rally has drawn interest from militias and extremist groups across the country, raising security concerns in Richmond.

Northam has asked “non-essential” state employees not to come to work on Monday, a state holiday during which legislative staffers would normally be on duty, since the legislature is in session.

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray warned Congress in the fall that American neo-Nazis seem increasingly to be communicating with like-minded, violent racists overseas, but he cautioned that those links so far appear more inspirational than organizational.

“We are starting to see racially motivated violent extremists connecting with like-minded individuals online, certainly, and in some instances we have seen people travel overseas to train,” Wray said.

In September, the FBI arrested an Army soldier who had allegedly hoped to join a militia in Ukraine, following the example of another former soldier who had done so.

Wray said that violent extremists in the United States still by and large lack organizational structure and direction but that there are now individual terrorism suspects who travel overseas to get training — behavior similar to that of Americans inspired by the Islamic State or other groups.

“We have seen some connection between U.S.-based neo-Nazis and overseas analogues,” Wray said. “Probably a more prevalent phenomenon that we see right now is racially motivated violent extremists who are inspired by what they see overseas.”


Shane Harris is a staff writer with The Washington Post, covering intelligence and national security. He has previously written about these topics at The Wall Street Journal, the Daily Beast, and National Journal. Shane is the author of two books, The Watchers: The Rise of America's Surveillance State (Penguin Press, 2010) and @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex (Eamon Dolan /Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014). He graduated from Wake Forest University in 1998. He lives in Washington D.C.

Devlin Barrett writes about national security and law enforcement for The Washington Post. He started as a copy boy at the New York Post, and since then has covered the NYPD, federal courts, and the Justice Department and its component agencies, including the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. In 2017 he was a Pulitzer Prize co-finalist in both the Feature Writing and the International Reporting categories.


Related to this topic:

 • Four firearms bills advance in Virginia's newly gun-free Capitol

 • FBI investigating 1,000 white-supremacist, domestic terrorism cases

 • Hunting black men to start a ‘race war’

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Admin Staff
Posts: 32511

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2020, 11:36:22 am »

from The Washington Post…

Alleged members of white supremacy group ‘the Base’
charged with plotting to kill antifa couple

Police say the men wanted to kill a Georgia married couple who were “high-ranking” members
of the far-left antifa movement in retaliation for exposing white supremacists online.

By DEREK HAWKINS and HANNAH KNOWLES | 11:34AM EST — Saturday, January 18, 2020

Three men were charged with murder conspiracy and anti-government activity: Luke Austin Lane, 21; Jacob Kaderli, 19; and Michael John Helterbrand, 25. — Photographs: Floyd County Police Department.
Three men were charged with murder conspiracy and anti-government activity: Luke Austin Lane, 21; Jacob Kaderli, 19; and Michael John Helterbrand, 25.
 — Photographs: Floyd County Police Department.

AUTHORITIES in Georgia on Friday charged three alleged members of a violent white supremacist group known as “the Base” with plotting to murder anti-fascist activists — one day after the FBI said it arrested three other alleged members in Maryland and Delaware on federal charges.

Police say the men wanted to kill a Georgia married couple who were “high-ranking” members of the far-left antifa movement in retaliation for exposing white supremacists online. The suspects recruited, strategized and engaged in paramilitary training as part of a group that seeks to overthrow the U.S. government, launch a “race war” and create a “white ethno-state,” according to authorities.

Luke Austin Lane, 21; Michael John Helterbrand, 25; and Jacob Kaderli, 19, were all charged with conspiracy to commit murder and being members of a criminal gang. Attorney information for the men was not immediately available in jail records.

The Base was founded in 2018 to plan a “violent insurgency” against the government and non-whites, according to law enforcement. Members use encrypted chat rooms to discuss, among other things, violence toward groups like antifa and minorities including African Americans and Jewish Americans, an arrest affidavit states, explaining that operations are kept decentralized among local cells to minimize members' accountability.

Law enforcement officials have zeroed in on the Base, whose name is the English translation of “al-Qaeda,” ahead of an upcoming gun rights rally in Richmond. They fear armed extremists could unleash violence at the event, which is expected to draw thousands of militia members and gun advocates from around the country to protest a suite of gun-control measures being considered by the Virginia legislature.

Authorities say they have tracked a flurry of threatening language in online message boards and social media accounts related to the rally, though officials caution it is difficult to predict when rhetoric may turn into violent actions. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (Democrat) has banned firearms on the state capitol grounds during the protests, saying there was “credible intelligence” of a potential violent disruption.

Federal authorities on Thursday arrested three other alleged members of the Base on federal firearm and smuggling charges. Their timing was driven by fears that some would commit violence at Monday's rally, officials said.

The Georgia men's charges are “unrelated” to fears of violence in Richmond, said Jay Tabb, executive assistant director for the FBI's National Security Branch, at a Friday event.

There's a “strong possibility” of more charges and “additional subjects,” Tabb said. He said it's hard to put a number on the Base's membership.

The newest charges grew out of an undercover operation, according to an affidavit for the arrests.

An FBI agent worked to join the Base last summer, the affidavit says. Lane, a resident of Silver Creek, conducted the vetting interview with another Base leader, and the agent soon met him in person along with Dacula resident Kaderli, who went by the name “Pestilence.”

The agent gained increasing access to the Base members' world over the following months, at one point participating in shooting drills led by Lane and Kaderli. Online conversations led law enforcement to believe the drills were preparation for the “Boogalo” — Base members' term for the “collapse of the United States and subsequent race war,” the affidavit states.

The agent also heard of Helterbrand's admiration for white supremacist Dylann Roof, the killer of nine black parishioners at a historic church in Charleston, South Carolina, who was convicted of federal hate crimes.

Let me know “when it's time to go to church,” Helterbrand reportedly told Lane.

The FBI also began to get details of an alleged murder plot. According to the affidavit, the undercover agent was with Lane and Kaderli last month as they surveyed their targets' home in Bartow County and then as they discussed tactics with Helterbrand, developing various codes to obscure the real nature of their “camping trip.”

Lane also told the agent he wanted to kill other Base members because he was worried about word of the plot against the Bartow County couple spreading, the affidavit says. Lane said they were “stupid” and “would likely talk about it.”

Lane was arrested without incident on Wednesday near his home and denied bond, Floyd County police said. Kaderli and Helterbrand, arrested in other unspecified locations, were also denied bond, according to jail records.

The FBI's Atlanta office handled most of the preliminary investigation and then helped local authorities, officials said.


Rachel Weiner contributed to this report.

Derek Hawkins is a reporter covering national and breaking news for The Washington Post. He previously covered cybersecurity for PowerPost and wrote about law, crime and politics for The Washington Post's Morning Mix.

Hannah Knowles is a reporter on the General Assignment team at The Washington Post. Before joining The Post in June 2019 as an intern, she worked at CBS News, the Sacramento Bee and her hometown paper, the Mercury News. Knowles was educated at Stanford University, where she earned a B.A. in English.


Related to this topic:

 • A tense debate over guns in Virginia Beach, still reeling from a mass shooting

 • Richmond braces for giant gun rights rally on Monday

 • Northam declares emergency, temporarily bans weapons on Capitol grounds

 • Prospect of gun control in Virginia draws threats, promise of armed protest

 • In Virginia, and elsewhere, gun supporters prepare to defy new laws

 • The War of Races’: How a hateful ideology echoes through American history

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Admin Staff
Posts: 32511

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2020, 07:00:13 pm »

Stick each of them in a cell, doubled-up with a BIG, well-hung African American dude.

That's how you deal with racist, white-trash Trump-supporters and wannabe stormtroopers like those clowns.
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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
Admin Staff
Posts: 32511

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2020, 07:17:00 pm »

A stupid, Trump-supporting, hate-filled, white-trash stormtrooper in Richmond, Virginia…

Yet more stupid, Trump-supporting, hate-filled, white-trash stormtroopers in Richmond, Virginia…

…they would no doubt shit their pants in sheer terror if they didn't have their big guns to compensate for their totally-inadequate, tiny little needledicks, 'cause they're cowardly, gutless wonders, just like their stupid, yellow-bellied hero, Fake President Donald J. “Cadet Bone Spurs” Trump. Stupid trash like that are stealing oxygen from normal, intelligent human beings.
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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2020, 11:46:00 am »

funny how you don't show any pictures of the black gun rights activists who were there in big numbers
there were 22000 to 30000 people there all you show is a couple of white guys

maybe it proves you're the white trash racist

« Last Edit: January 24, 2020, 12:07:55 pm by Im2Sexy4MyPants » Report Spam   Logged

Are you sick of the bullshit from the sewer stream media spewed out from the usual Ken and Barby dickless talking point look a likes.

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