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“devoir de réserve” (Trump supporters will be too dumb to comprehend that)

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Author Topic: “devoir de réserve” (Trump supporters will be too dumb to comprehend that)  (Read 377 times)
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« on: August 31, 2019, 10:44:49 pm »

from The New York Times…

The Man Trump Wishes He Were

Jim Mattis and the formation of character.

By DAVID BROOKS | Thursday, August 29, 2019

Jim Mattis in March 2018. He resigned as defense secretary in December. — Photograph: Mark Peterson/Redux.
Jim Mattis in March 2018. He resigned as defense secretary in December. — Photograph: Mark Peterson/Redux.

IN THE FIRST FEW MONTHS of his presidency, Donald Trump surrounded himself with a certain sort of ramrod military man: John Kelly, Michael Flynn, H.R. McMaster and Jim Mattis. These men had or appeared to have the kind of manly virtues and bearing that Trump likes to see in himself: courage, toughness, combativeness.

But when you look at how someone like, say, Jim Mattis forged his character, you realize that he is actually the exact opposite of Trump. Mattis built strengths and virtues through the steady application of intense effort over decades. Trump is a man who has been progressively hollowed out by the acid of his own self-regard.

Mattis is a man who is intensely loyal to others and attracts loyalty among those around him. Trump is disloyal to others and attracts disloyalty in return.

The contrast between how these two men were forged is so stark that it throws into relief how character is and isn't formed.

Mattis was a mediocre college student. He partied too much and was jailed for underage drinking. But then he discovered the Marine Corps. His new book Call Sign Chaos, which he wrote with Bing West and which will be released next week, is purportedly about leadership but really it is a portrait of Mattis's life-defining love for the Marine Corps.

His prose sings when he describes those times when he was out on some battlefield exercise with frontline Marines. When he is stuck away inside the Pentagon or high up commanding NATO, you feel his longing for their presence.

Mattis reads Roman writers like Marcus Aurelius, but he is no stoic. Decade after decade he is touring some front or another, starting a million affectionate conversations. “How's it going?” “Living the dream, sir,” is how those conversations begin. He trusts his Marines enough to delegate authority down. He clearly expresses a commander's intent in any situation and gives them latitude to adapt to circumstances.

Love is a motivational state. It propels you. You want to make promises to the person or organization you love. Character is forged in the keeping of those promises. If, on the other hand, you are unable to love and be loved, you're never going to be in a position to make commitments or live up to them. You're never going to forge yourself into a person who can be relied upon.

Mattis's drive, born of his devotion to the Corps, is his most telling trait. He works insanely hard, propels himself extremely quickly, making himself, every day, a better Marine. Much of the work is intellectual. He thought the second Iraq war was a crazy idea, but when he was ordered to command part of it, he started reading Xenophon and ancient books about warfare in Mesopotamia.

“If you haven't read hundreds of books, you are functionally illiterate, and you will be incompetent, because your personal experiences alone aren't broad enough to sustain you,” Mattis and West write.

He is also willing to submit himself to an institution. Somebody like Trump is anti-institutional. He thinks every organization is about himself, and every organization's procedures and traditions should bend to his desires.

But a person with an institutional mind-set has a deep reverence for the organization he has joined and how it was built by those who came before. He understands that institutions pass down certain habits, practices and standards of excellence.

Mattis asserts that his way of doing warfare is simply the Marine way. In the Marine way, for example, “Amateur performance is anathema, and the Marines are bluntly critical of falling short. … Personal sensitivities are irrelevant.” Each mission gives him another body of knowledge, another strength, greater capacity to live his devotion to his country.

James Davison Hunter, who wrote, The Death of Character: Moral Education in an Age Without Good or Evil once noted that good character does not require religious faith. “But it does require the conviction of truth made sacred, abiding as an authoritative presence within consciousness and life, reinforced by habits institutionalized within a moral community. Character, therefore, resists expedience; it defies hasty acquisition. This is undoubtedly why Soren Kierkegaard spoke of character as ‘engraved’, deeply etched.”

In Mattis's career you see something one saw in the great George Marshall's career: That you need to work within a structure to be creative. Both generals were total company men, dedicated to their service, yet they were constantly trying to change its practices to keep up with the times.

Mattis barely mentions Trump in this book, and doesn't describe what must have been one of the truly challenging tasks of his life — working under Trump without getting tainted.

He didn't write about Trump because he didn't want to undermine the people still working inside the administration. But, he told Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic: “There is a period in which I owe my silence. It's not eternal. It's not going to be forever.”

Like Goldberg, I think it would be proper for Mattis to end his silence about Trump before the next election. Voters need his firsthand perspective to make a judgment about the fitness and character of the commander in chief.


David Brooks became an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times in September 2003. His column appears every Tuesday and Friday. He is currently a commentator on “PBS NewsHour”, NPR's “All Things Considered” and NBC's “Meet the Press”. He is the author of Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There and On Paradise Drive: How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense. In March 2011 he came out with his third book, The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement, which was a No.1 New York Times best seller. His most recent book is The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life. Mr. Brooks also teaches at Yale University, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

• A version of this article appears in The New York Times on Friday, August 30, 2019, on Page A27 of the New York print edition with the headline: “The Man Trump Wishes He Were”.

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« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2019, 10:46:27 pm »

from The Atlantic…

The Man Who Couldn't Take It Anymore

“I had no choice but to leave,” General James Mattis says of his
decision to resign as President Trump's secretary of defense.

By JEFFREY GOLDBERG | October 2019 issue

Former defense secretary General James Mattis, who resigned from his post in December last year. — Photograph: Christie Hemm Klok/The Atlantic.
Former defense secretary General James Mattis, who resigned from his post in December last year. — Photograph: Christie Hemm Klok/The Atlantic.

ON DECEMBER 19 of last year, Admiral Michael Mullen, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met James Mattis for lunch at the Pentagon. Mattis was a day away from resigning as Donald Trump's secretary of defense, but he tends to keep his own counsel, and he did not suggest to Mullen, his friend and former commander, that he was thinking of leaving.

But Mullen did think Mattis appeared unusually afflicted that day. Mattis often seemed burdened in his role. His aides and friends say he found the president to be of limited cognitive ability, and of generally dubious character. Now Mattis was becoming more and more isolated in the administration, especially since the defenestration of his closest Cabinet ally, the former secretary of state Rex Tillerson, several months earlier. Mattis and Tillerson had together smothered some of Trump's more extreme and imprudent ideas. But now Mattis was operating without cover. Trump was turning on him publicly; two months earlier, he had speculated that Mattis might be a Democrat and said, in reference to NATO, “I think I know more about it than he does.” (Mattis, as a Marine general, once served as the supreme allied commander in charge of NATO transformation.)

Mullen told me recently that service in this administration comes with a unique set of hazards, and that Mattis was not unaware of these hazards. “I think back to his ‘Hold the line’ talk, the one that was captured on video,” Mullen said, referring to an impromptu 2017 encounter between Mattis and U.S. troops stationed in Jordan that became a YouTube sensation. In the video, Mattis tells the soldiers, “Our country right now, it's got problems we don't have in the military. You just hold the line until our country gets back to understanding and respecting each other and showing it.” Mullen said: “He obviously found himself in a challenging environment.”

Mullen's concern for Mattis was shared by many other generals and admirals, active duty and retired, who worried that sustained exposure to Trump would destroy their friend, who is perhaps the most revered living marine. Mattis had maintained his dignity in perilous moments, even as his fellow Cabinet officials were relinquishing theirs. At a ritualized praise session at the White House in June 2017, as the vice president and other Cabinet members abased themselves before the president, Mattis would offer only this generic — but, given the circumstances, dissident — thought: “It's an honor to represent the men and women of the Department of Defense. We are grateful for the sacrifices our people are making in order to strengthen our military, so our diplomats always negotiate from a position of strength.”

To some of his friends, though, Mattis was beginning to place his reputation at risk. He had, in the fall of 2018, acquiesced to Trump's deployment of troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, and he was becoming contemptuous of a Pentagon press corps that was trying to perform its duty in difficult circumstances.

By last December, Mattis was facing the most urgent crisis of his nearly two years in the Cabinet. Trump had just announced, contrary to his administration's stated policy, that he would withdraw all American troops from Syria, where they were fighting the Islamic State. This sudden (and ultimately reversed) policy shift posed a dire challenge to Mattis's beliefs. He had spent much of his career as a fighter in the Middle East. He had battled Islamist extremists and understood the danger they represented. He believed that a retreat from Syria would threaten the security of American troops elsewhere in the region, and would especially threaten America's allies in the anti-ISIS coalition. These allies would, in Mattis's view, feel justifiably betrayed by Trump's decision.

“I had no idea that he was on the precipice of resigning,” Mullen told me. “But I know how strongly he believes in alliances. The practical reasons become moral reasons. Most of us believe that we've moved on as a country from being able to do it alone. We may have had dreams about this in 1992 or 1993, but we've moved on. We have to have friends and supporters. And we're talking about Jim Mattis. He's not going to change his view on this. He's not going to leave friends and allies on the battlefield.”

That afternoon, Mattis called John Kelly, the former Marine general who was then nearing the end of his calamitous run as Trump's chief of staff. “I need an hour with the boss,” Mattis said.

The next day, he met Trump in the Oval Office. Mattis made his case for keeping troops in Syria. Trump rejected his arguments. Thirty minutes into the conversation, Mattis told the president, “You're going to have to get the next secretary of defense to lose to ISIS. I'm not going to do it.” He handed Trump his resignation letter, a letter that would soon become one of the most famous documents of the Trump presidency thus far.

Here is where I am compelled to note that I did not learn any of these details from Mattis himself. Nor did I learn them from his new book, Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead, which he wrote with the former Marine officer Bing West. The book is an instructive and entertaining leadership manual for executives, managers, and military officers. Mattis is a gifted storyteller, and his advice will be useful to anyone who runs anything. The book is not, however, an account of his time in service to the 45th president.

General James Mattis, photographed in his office at Stanford University, on June 10, 2019. — Photograph: Christie Hemm Klok/The Atlantic.
General James Mattis, photographed in his office at Stanford University, on June 10, 2019.
 — Photograph: Christie Hemm Klok/The Atlantic.

I've known Mattis for many years, and we spent several hours in conversation this summer, at his home in Richland, Washington, and at the Hoover Institution, on the campus of Stanford University. In these conversations, we discussed the qualities of effective leadership, the workings of command-and-feedback loops, the fragility of what he calls the American experiment, fishing the Columbia River, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, and many other topics. But about Trump he was mainly silent. I caught glimpses of anger and incredulity, to be sure. But Mattis is a disciplined man. While discipline is an admirable quality, in my conversations with Mattis I found it exasperating, because I believe that the American people should hear his answer to this question: Is Donald Trump fit for command?

He should answer the question well before November 3, 2020. Mattis is in an unparalleled position to provide a definitive answer. During moments of high tension with North Korea, he had worried that being out of reach of the president for more than a few seconds constituted a great risk. No one, with the possible exception of John Kelly, has a better understanding of Donald Trump's capacities and inclinations, particularly in the realm of national security, than James Mattis.

I made this argument to him during an interview at his home, a modest townhouse in a modest development in a modest town. Mattis, who is 69, is single, and has always been so. His house serves mainly as a library of the literature of war and diplomacy, and as a museum of ceremonial daggers, the residue of a lifetime of official visits to army headquarters across the Middle East. The decor reminded me of one of his sayings: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

I knew that this would be a Gallipoli of an interview, and that Mattis would be playing the role of the Ottoman gunners. But I had to try.

“When you go out on book tour,” I said, “people are going to want you to say things you don't want to say.” I mentioned a scene from the book, one that concerned an ultimately successful effort to untangle a traffic jam of armored vehicles in Iraq. I noted that while this story is an edifying case study in effective leadership, it is not necessarily the sort of story that people want from him right now.

“Yeah,” he said.

“You’re prepared for that? For people wanting you to talk about Trump?”

He paused.

“Do you know the French concept of devoir de réserve?” he asked.

I did not, I said.

“The duty of silence. If you leave an administration, you owe some silence. When you leave an administration over clear policy differences, you need to give the people who are still there as much opportunity as possible to defend the country. They still have the responsibility of protecting this great big experiment of ours. I know the malevolence some people feel for this country, and we have to give the people who are protecting us some time to carry out their duties without me adding my criticism to the cacophony that is right now so poisonous.”

“But duty manifests in other ways,” I argued. “You have a First Amendment guarantee to speak your mind —”


“And don't you have a duty to warn the country if it is endangered by its leader?”

“I didn't cook up a convenient tradition here,” he said. “You don't endanger the country by attacking the elected commander in chief. I may not like a commander in chief one fricking bit, but our system puts the commander in chief there, and to further weaken him when we're up against real threats — I mean, we could be at war on the Korean peninsula, every time they start launching something.”

The subject of North Korea represented my best chance to wrench a direct answer from Mattis. I had collected some of Trump's more repellent tweets, and read aloud the one that I thought might overwhelm his defenses. It is a tweet almost without peer in the canon:

Mattis looked at his hands. Finally he said, “Any Marine general or any other senior servant of the people of the United States would find that, to use a mild euphemism, counterproductive and beneath the dignity of the presidency.”

He went on, “Let me put it this way. I've written an entire book built on the principles of respecting your troops, respecting each other, respecting your allies. Isn't it pretty obvious how I would feel about something like that?”

It is. When “Call Sign Chaos” is refracted through the prism of our hallucinatory political moment, it becomes something more than a primer for middle managers. The book is many things, apart from a meditation on leadership. It is the autobiography of a war fighter, and also an extended argument for a forceful, confident, alliance-centered U.S. foreign policy. Read another way, though, it is mainly a 100,000-word subtweet.

When I mentioned this notion to Mattis, he looked at me curiously. He is not closely acquainted with the language of social media. When I explained what a subtweet is, he said, “Well, you saw that my resignation letter is in the book.”

It comes near the end. Each chapter contains a lesson about personal leadership, or American leadership, or some combination of the two: “Coach and encourage, don't berate, least of all in public”. “Public humiliation does not change our friends' behavior or attitudes in a positive way”. “Operations occur at the speed of trust”. “Nations with allies thrive, and those without wither”. And then comes the resignation letter, a repudiation of a man who models none of Mattis's principles:

While the US remains the indispensable nation in the free world, we cannot protect our interests or serve that role effectively without maintaining strong alliances and showing respect to those allies …

My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues. We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.

Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position.

“I had no choice but to leave,” he told me. “That's why the letter is in the book. I want people to understand why I couldn't stay. I’ve been informed by four decades of experience, and I just couldn't connect the dots anymore.”

Later, during a long walk along the Columbia River, I gave it another go, asking him to describe in broad terms the nature of Trump's leadership abilities. “I'm happy to talk about leadership,” he said. “My model — one of my models — is George Washington. Washington's idea of leadership was that first you listen, then you learn, then you help, and only then do you lead. It is a somewhat boring progression, but it's useful. What you try to do in that learning phase is find common ground.”

“So on one end of the spectrum is George Washington, and at the other end is Donald Trump?”

Mattis smiled. “It's a beautiful river, isn't it?” he said. “I used to swim it all the time when I was a kid. Strong current.”

IN MID-AUGUST I checked in with Mattis, to see whether events over the summer — Trump's attack on four congresswomen of color; his attack on Representative Elijah Cummings; his attacks on other minorities; his endorsement-by-tweet of the North Korean dictator's “great and beautiful vision” for his country; the El Paso massacre, conducted by a white supremacist whose words echoed those often used by Trump and his supporters when discussing immigration — might have led him to reconsider his decorous approach to public criticism of the president.

About El Paso he said: “You know, on that day we were all Hispanics. That's the way we have to think about this. If it happens to any one of us, it happens to all of us.”

But about this treacherous political moment?

“You've got to avoid looking at what's happening in isolation from everything else,” he said. “We can't hold what Trump is doing in isolation. We've got to address the things that put him there in the first place.” Mattis speaks often about affection: the affection that commanders feel for their soldiers, and that soldiers ought to feel for one another — and the affection that Americans should feel for one another and for their country but often, these days, don't. “‘With malice toward none, with charity for all’,” he said. “Lincoln said that in the middle of a war. In the middle of a war! He could see beyond the hatred of the moment.”

I thought back to what he'd told me earlier in the summer, when I had asked him to describe something Trump could say or do that would trigger him to launch a frontal attack on the president. He'd demurred, as I had expected. But then he'd issued a caveat: “There is a period in which I owe my silence. It's not eternal. It's not going to be forever.


Jeffrey Goldberg is the editor in chief of The Atlantic and a recipient of the National Magazine Award for Reporting. He is the author of Prisoners: A Story of Friendship and Terror. Before joining The Atlantic in 2007, Goldberg was a Middle East correspondent and the Washington D.C. correspondent for The New Yorker. He was previously a correspondent for The New York Times Magazine and New York magazine. He has also written for the Jewish Daily Forward and was a columnist for The Jerusalem Post. Goldberg's book, “Prisoners”, was hailed as one of the best books of 2006 by the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Slate, The Progressive, Washingtonian magazine, and Playboy. He received the 2003 National Magazine Award for Reporting for his coverage of Islamic terrorism and the 2005 Anti-Defamation League Daniel Pearl Prize. He is also the winner of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists prize for best international investigative journalist; the Overseas Press Club award for best human-rights reporting; and the Abraham Cahan Prize in Journalism. In 2001, Goldberg was appointed the Syrkin Fellow in Letters of the Jerusalem Foundation, and in 2002 he became a public-policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.


Related to this topic:

 • RADIO ATLANTIC AUDIO: The Man Who Couldn't Take It Anymore

 • Mattis Always Understood Trump's Severe Defects

 • The American Crisis

 • The Tragedy of the American Military

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« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2019, 10:47:45 pm »

from The Washington Post…

Jim Mattis's dilemma is our problem

Stop pestering him to turn over the silver bullet he does not have.

By JENNIFER RUBIN | 9:00AM EDT — Friday, August 30, 2019

Then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis at the White House on March 23, 2018. — Photograph: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post.
Then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis at the White House on March 23, 2018. — Photograph: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post.

FORMER defense secretary Jim Mattis shared some thoughts with The Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, including an account of the compelling final scene of his time in the administration. (“‘You're going to have to get the next secretary of defense to lose to ISIS. I'm not going to do it’. He handed Trump his resignation letter, a letter that would soon become one of the most famous documents of the Trump presidency thus far.”)

Goldberg relays: “[Mattis's] aides and friends say he found the president to be of limited cognitive ability, and of generally dubious character.” From Mattis, we get not much beyond his resignation letter and general lessons on leadership.

Mattis explained to Goldberg his understanding of devoir de réserve:

The duty of silence. If you leave an administration, you owe some silence. When you leave an administration over clear policy differences, you need to give the people who are still there as much opportunity as possible to defend the country. They still have the responsibility of protecting this great big experiment of ours. I know the malevolence some people feel for this country, and we have to give the people who are protecting us some time to carry out their duties without me adding my criticism to the cacophony that is right now so poisonous.

Some Americans and many pundits will see his refusal to go beyond oblique criticism of President Trump as an abdication of his duty to warn the country, perhaps stemming from a misplaced loyalty that conflates the military chain of command with civilian service. (“You don't endanger the country by attacking the elected commander in chief,” he told Goldberg.) Others will say, as they did with another tight-lipped, straight-shooter, former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, that you cannot get a man so determined to remain outside politics to act in a political fashion.

There are a few points worth considering here.

First, Mattis says his duty of silence doesn't last forever. We don't know whether he has a set timetable in mind (say, give Trump a year) or whether events (e.g., deployment of troops, a diplomatic crisis) may provoke him to speak up. I'd suggest, however, that if he plans on speaking up before the 2020 election, he should not wait too long or until a crisis is upon us. The public and our political system need time to come to terms with new facts, especially ones with huge political consequences.

Second, it's not clear that anything Mattis would say would make a difference. Trump and his cultists would dismiss anything Mattis says, and the rest know Trump is unfit, even crazy. It's not like we haven't witnessed Trump's manic conduct, brazen ignorance of facts, vindictiveness and lack of empathy.

Mattis knows our constitutional system as well as anyone and therefore understands that absent a personality and character transformation, Vice President Pence, Trump's Cabinet and his Senate allies aren't going to oust him by either the 25th Amendment or impeachment.

Third, those frustrated with Mattis and/or Mueller are aiming their fire in the wrong direction. Democrats, Republicans and independents need to challenge their fellow citizens who are still inclined to vote for him. Candidates for office, elected officials and other public figures have no shortage of evidence that would highlight Trump's unfitness. And we have no shortage of articulate and creative men and women to communicate in whatever medium they see fit. The problem is that a good chunk of the electorate is beyond persuasion. The solution then lies with the rest of the citizenry, which must rouse itself to vote Trump out. Mattis isn't in charge of the get-out-the-vote operation for 2020; that's up to the Democrats and all Americans.

We have no deus ex machina — not Mattis, not Mueller, not the 25th Amendment and not impeachment. We have “only” our democracy. If we cannot collectively figure out how to motivate people to vote Trump out, we might have reached the point at which we are incapable of rational self-governance. I don't think we are there yet. In the meantime, we should stop pestering Mattis to turn over the silver bullet he does not have.


Jennifer Rubin writes reported opinion from a center-right perspective for The Washington Post. She covers a range of domestic and foreign policy issues and provides insight into the conservative movement, the Republican Party and threats to Western democracies. Rubin, who is also an MSNBC contributor, came to The Post after three years with Commentary magazine. Prior to her career in journalism, Rubin practiced labor law for two decades, an experience that informs and enriches her work. She is a mother of two sons and lives in Northern Virginia.


Related to this topic:

 • VIDEO: Opinion | Impeachment and the 25th Amendment: Is it time yet?

 • Dennis Ross and Dana Stroul: The flaw in Trump's maximum pressure campaign toward Iran

 • Jennifer Rubin: Trump deserves impeachment quite apart from the Mueller report

 • Jennifer Rubin: When Trump's not lying, he sounds crazy

 • Jim Hoagland: Mattis endured a lot. Here's why this was the last straw.

 • Max Boot: Jim Mattis didn't believe in betraying allies. That's why he had to resign.

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