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Gaga … lost the plot … mentally-ill … fucked-in-the-head……

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Author Topic: Gaga … lost the plot … mentally-ill … fucked-in-the-head……  (Read 1142 times)
Admin Staff
Posts: 32517

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2019, 12:09:41 pm »

China does not want fair trade
they just want to keep on stealing Commies are criminals
just look what they have done to New Zealand's milk producers

fuck China destroy the mother f#$kers
dry up their funds' boycott and sanction them

China's human rights record is worse than Hitler's

China doesn't have to do a thing except tell Trump to “go fuck yourself”, match Trumps tariffs, tariff-for-tariff, and wait for Trump to bankrupt his country like he has bankrupted his own companies SEVEN TIMES with his inept financial mismanagement.

Xi is playing the long game and allowing Trump to MAKE CHINA GREAT AGAIN!!

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
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« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2019, 03:40:07 pm »

meanwhile in china

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Are you sick of the bullshit from the sewer stream media spewed out from the usual Ken and Barby dickless talking point look a likes.

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Admin Staff
Posts: 32517

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2019, 11:25:15 pm »

Trump is taking America down.

China is sitting back and watching while matching Trump's tariffs in a tariff for tariff pissing competition they KNOW then will ultimately win.
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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
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Posts: 32517

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2019, 02:15:46 pm »

from The Washington Post…

EDITORIAL: Trump gives a stunning display of incoherence at the G-7

The president's only clear plan from the G-7 — to have the
next summit at his own golf resort — cries for intervention.


President Donald J. Trump takes questions at a joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Group of Seven summit in Biarritz, France, on Monday. — Photograph: Andrew Harnik/Associated Press.
President Donald J. Trump takes questions at a joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Group of Seven summit in Biarritz,
France, on Monday. — Photograph: Andrew Harnik/Associated Press.

ON FRIDAY, President Trump called President Xi Jinping of China an “enemy”, said “we don't need China” and told U.S. companies they were “hereby ordered” to end their operations there. Over the next 72 hours, he cited a 1977 emergency powers law to back up his threat to end U.S. economic relations with Beijing; announced he did not intend to invoke the law; and, on Monday, declared Mr. Xi to be “a great leader” and “a brilliant man” with whom his administration would probably soon strike a trade deal. It was, all in all, a stunning display of incoherence — even by Mr. Trump's standards — that encapsulated his performance at the Group of Seven summit.

Mr. Trump's conflicting statements on China were far from the only puzzlements of his stay in Biarritz, France. He repeatedly touted what he said was a trade deal with Japan, only to be contradicted by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese foreign ministry, which said the negotiations were at a preliminary stage. He said there was “tremendous unity” in his talks with the other six leaders, though officials said the U.S. delegation blocked consensus on trade and other issues. Mr. Trump skipped a meeting on climate change, and his pitch to restore Russia to the group was flatly rejected by Germany and Britain, among others.

French President Emmanuel Macron made a valiant effort to use the summit to jump-start negotiations between the United States and Iran, even inviting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Biarritz. Mr. Trump responded with more confusion: After allowing that Mr. Macron's suggestion of a summit between him and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani within weeks was possible, he went on to cite conditions for a deal different — and less stringent — from those previously outlined by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Mr. Trump lambasted President Barack Obama for striking a deal that granted Iran economic concessions, then suggested that he would support new loans for Tehran if talks got underway.

Mr. Rouhani suggested in a speech on Monday that he was open to negotiations, so perhaps something will come from Mr. Macron's initiative. But there was no way to judge from Mr. Trump's remarks whether he was seriously contemplating a change of tack on Iran — just as it was anyone’s guess whether he had second thoughts about the trade war he started with China, as he suggested on Sunday, or merely wished he had raised tariffs even higher, as his staff later said.

The one subject on which Mr. Trump's intentions appeared unambiguous was his plan to steer the next G-7 summit, which the United States is due to host, to his own Doral golf resort near Miami — thereby injecting a huge stimulus into what has been a struggling business. When asked whether he was trying to use the presidency to enrich himself, Mr. Trump responded with the ludicrous claim that the presidency had cost him $3 billion to $5 billion. His scheme cries out for congressional intervention; if the emoluments clause of the Constitution means anything, it must forbid such blatant self-dealing.


• Editorials represent the views of The Washington Post as an institution, as determined through debate among members of the Editorial Board. The board includes: Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt; Deputy Editorial Page Editor Jackson Diehl; Deputy Editorial Page Editor Ruth Marcus; Associate Editorial Page Editor Jo-Ann Armao, who specializes in education and District affairs; Jonathan Capehart, who focuses on national politics; Lee Hockstader, who writes about immigration, and political and other issues affecting Virginia and Maryland; Charles Lane, who concentrates on economic policy, trade and globalization; Stephen Stromberg, who specializes in energy, the environment, public health and other federal policy; David Hoffman, who writes about foreign affairs and press freedom; Molly Roberts, who focuses on technology and society; and editorial cartoonist Tom Toles. Op-ed editors Michael Larabee, Robert Gebelhoff and Mark Lasswell; letters editor Jamie Riley; international opinions editors Elias Lopez, Karen Attiah and Christian Caryl; international opinions writer Jason Rezaian; digital opinions editor James Downie; operations editor Becca Clemons; editor and writer Christine Emba; and digital producer and writer Mili Mitra also take part in board discussions. The board highlights issues it thinks are important and responds to news events, mindful of stands it has taken in previous editorials and principles that have animated Washington Post editorial boards over time. Articles in the news pages sometimes prompt ideas for editorials, but every editorial is based on original reporting. News reporters and editors never contribute to editorial board discussions, and editorial board members don't have any role in news coverage.


Related to this topic:

 • Jennifer Rubin: Stop the craziness

 • Max Boot: Is Trump a liar or a fantasist? Neither option is good.

 • Greg Sargent: As Trump zigzags wildly at G-7, one ugly truth remains constant

 • Paul Waldman: Trump's presser confirms it: He has no idea why he's losing the trade war

 • Dana Milbank: Let's ‘gut check’ all of Trump's vulgar, unpresidential statements

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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
Admin Staff
Posts: 32517

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2019, 02:18:30 pm »

The man (Trump) is clearly cuckoo … gaga … mentally-ill.

Click on the link down the bottom of that editorial and read Jennifer Rubin's excellent piece titled “Stop the craziness” because it hits the nail right on the head.

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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
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Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2019, 10:43:45 pm »

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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
Admin Staff
Posts: 32517

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2019, 06:54:58 pm »

from The Washington Post…

Trump's Dorian response: Par for the course

Do hurricanes give mulligans?

By DANA MILBANK | 8:08PM EDT — Tuesday, September 03, 2019

President Donald J. Trump at the White House on Friday, August 30, 2019. — Photograph: Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post.
President Donald J. Trump at the White House on Friday, August 30, 2019. — Photograph: Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post.

THE dishonest fakers at the Amazon Washington Post and the failing New York Times are again attacking your favorite president, this time for playing golf while a Category 5 hurricane took aim at the United States.

Bad people! Everybody knows the best way to prepare for a hurricane is by playing golf.

Beating a Category 5 is nothing if you can birdie a par five (the 590-yard 12th hole on Trump National Golf Club's Championship Course is “monstrous”). Though recent hurricanes have been some of “the wettest we've ever seen, from the standpoint of water,” they are less intimidating after you've survived the eighth hole of the Riverview Course: not one but two merciless water hazards blocking your approach.

Hurricanes are best weathered from bunkers, and you can bet Trump spent time in those this weekend with his sand wedge. Think high winds are a threat during hurricanes? They're even more hazardous to your handicap; it wouldn't surprise me if, in true emergencies, Trump has resorted to a 2-iron to reduce loft. And not even a meteorologist studies rotation as closely as a golfer; just one slice and all models project you'll make landfall in the deep rough.

Essentially, Trump was on the fairways doing exactly what we'd want our president to be do during a natural disaster — with a few minor revisions:

The president canceled a trip to Poland for the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, allowing him to give his undivided attention to Hurricane Dorian play rounds of golf on both Saturday and Monday at Trump National Golf Club in Virginia.

In his place, he sent the vice president to Europe to renew the enduring transatlantic bond stay at the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel in Doonbeg, Ireland. The president also delivered a somber message chipper greeting to Poles on the anniversary of the Nazi invasion, recalling the death and suffering of millions of Poles saying: “I just want to congratulate Poland.”

At a briefing before last year's hurricane season, the president honed a sophisticated knowledge of tropical storms spoke aimlessly about catapults on aircraft carriers. Three other Category 5 storms had already occurred during his presidency, which meant that he was well-prepared to respond to such a storm didn't stop him on Sunday from declaring, again, that “I'm not sure I've ever even heard of a Category 5.”

His director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and his secretary of homeland security were both seasoned veterans serving in temporary, “acting” capacities, and his head of the Coast Guard provided him storm updates packed with sophisticated government data that “you can pretty much get … on television”.

On Friday, when the National Hurricane Center issued a hurricane watch for the Bahamas, the president announced that he would spare no expense in aiding relief efforts “the top shows on @FoxNews and cable ratings are those that are Fair (or great) to your favorite President, me!” He expressed confidence that Florida Mar-a-Lago could withstand the storm. After learning during an intelligence briefing on Friday that Iran had an unsuccessful rocket launch, the president coordinated a response with allies trolled Iran by including in a tweet an image that may have revealed covert U.S. activities.

On Saturday, when the hurricane center warned of Dorian's “life-threatening storm surge and devastating winds,” the president spent the day overseeing emergency preparations attacking former FBI director James Comey, celebrating his success on “The Apprentice”, responding to a now-former aide's claim that he disapproves of his daughter's weight (“I love Tiffany, doing great!”) and playing golf. The president had said he would “not have time to play golf in office” has played 213 rounds of golf while in office.

On Sunday, the president, asked about the deteriorating situation in Colombia, appealed for restraint by leftist FARC guerrillas replied: “You're talking about the country of Colombia?” Following a FEMA briefing on the now “catastrophic” and intensifying Dorian, the president reinforced official warnings unilaterally declared that Alabama, where no storm damage was forecast, would also “most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated.”

On Monday, as storm warnings widened, the president spent hours on the phone with emergency management officials playing golf again and checking on pre-positioning of relief supplies attacking the AFL-CIO chief, economist Paul Krugman, the “Fake News Media” and four non-white congresswomen.

On Tuesday, the hurricane center said Dorian would soon “move dangerously close” to Florida, then Georgia and the Carolinas; the president prayerfully summoned the nation's resolve attacked the Federal Reserve, the mayor of London, former president Barack Obama and “the whole Witch Hunt against me.”

And, all across this great land, Americans rallied to the cause wondered: Do hurricanes give mulligans?


Dana Milbank is a nationally syndicated op-ed columnist. He also provides political commentary for various TV outlets, and he is the author of three books on politics: Smashmouth: Two Years in the Gutter with Al Gore and George W. Bush (Basic Books, 2001), the national bestseller Homo Politicus: The Strange and Scary Tribes that Run Our Government (Doubleday, 2008) and Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Tea Bagging of America (Doubleday, 2010). Milbank joined The Washington Post in 2000 as a Style political writer, then covered the presidency of George W. Bush as a White House correspondent before starting his column in 2005. Before joining The Post, Milbank spent two years as a senior editor at The New Republic, where he covered the Clinton White House, and eight years as a reporter with The Wall Street Journal, where he covered Congress and was a London-based correspondent. He has been honoured with the White House Correspodent Association's Beckman Award and the National Press Club's Gingras Prize.


Related to this topic:

 • VIDEO: We answer Trump's question: Could you nuke a hurricane?

 • Paul Waldman: Open your wallet. Trump demands tribute.

 • Kathleen Parker: Dorian has become the Godot of hurricanes

 • Michael Gerson: Don't try to explain away Trump's crazy ideas

 • Catherine Rampell: Trump's comments about ‘bad management’ are right, but not in the way he thinks

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If you aren't living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space! 
Admin Staff
Posts: 32517

Having fun in the hills!

« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2019, 10:03:19 pm »

from The Seattle Times…

We're all in the path of Hurricane Trump

In the wake of a destructive hurricane, Trump sees himself as the biggest victim.

By DAVID HORSEY | 3:52PM EDT — Tuesday, September 10, 2019

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP continues to be obsessed with proving he was correct when he tweeted out warnings that Alabama was in the path of the deadly Hurricane Dorian.

As the monster storm approached the U.S. coast, the U.S. Weather Service office in Alabama grew alarmed that the president's erroneous information would cause panic in their state, so they issued a contradictory notice stating that there was no reason for Alabamians to worry. That set off several days of self-absorbed vituperation from Trump who, between rounds of golf, enlisted Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to threaten officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with firing if they would not support the president's weather prediction.

Trump's inability to ever admit to even the smallest mistake is a terrible trait in a president. Even more loathsome, however, is his refusal to allow the desperate victims of the hurricane's catastrophic destruction in the Bahamas to gain temporary sanctuary in the United States and to justify that refusal by alleging drug dealers and criminals would sneak in if he, for once, did the compassionate thing.

He cannot get over believing he is the only real victim of anything.


• See more of David Horsey's cartoons at The Seattle Times HERE.

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