Funny how they were The National Socialist German Workers' Party
1. An advocate of socialism.
2. often Socialist A member of a political party or group that advocates socialism.
1. Of, promoting, or practicing socialism.
2. Socialist Of, belonging to, or constituting a socialist party or political group.
SocialismSocialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity.
Nazis and the left wingBy Tom Trinko
The normal political spectrum used by liberals and the MSM runs from Nazis on the right to communists on the left.
That is, it runs from a Jewish-hating totalitarian socialist philosophy on the right to a Jewish-hating totalitarian socialist philosophy on the left.
Clearly, that's insane, since the extremes are identical. But it serves the purposes of liberals because it disguises the fascist nature of liberal positions. It also allows liberals to hang the shame of Nazism over conservatives, who all oppose the big-government philosophy of Nazism as well as Nazis' hatred of Jews.
A more rational way to describe governmental concepts would be a spectrum that runs from no government to total government or from complete freedom to complete servitude.
Interestingly, both of those metrics produce the same extremes.
Anarchy would be the far right providing complete freedom: you can kill and rape to your heart's content, with a complete lack of government. It is anarchy, after all.
Libertarianism would be the moderate right, since libertarians have some government and do oppose murder and rape.
In the center would be representative republics, as described in the U.S. Constitution, where people's rights don't come from the government but where the government has authority over areas of common interest such as trade, human rights, and foreign policy.
To the left would be liberals' view for America, where the government is still elected, but real power resides in judges and the unelected bureaucrats, and rights come from the ruling class and can be changed depending on what they think.
White nationalists would be on the moderate left, since they want a powerful central government to punish all non-whites. Their government would also be left-wing because it would have the power to prevent non-racists from freely associating with the people the white nationalists hate.
Communism and Nazism would be at the far left, providing no freedom. You do what the party says or else, and the government controls every aspect of life.
In this more rational political spectrum, it's clear that liberals are the ones who need to apologize for white nationalists and Nazis, not conservatives.