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Hmmm looks like no collusion and no handcuffs for trump it was a witch hunt lmao

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Author Topic: Hmmm looks like no collusion and no handcuffs for trump it was a witch hunt lmao  (Read 771 times)
Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« on: February 15, 2019, 07:04:19 am »

so it was all lies hahahahaha  Grin

Truth Wins
Trump Haters forced to suck lemons Grin
« Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 07:10:39 am by Im2Sexy4MyPants » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2019, 10:53:38 am »

Yeah, you just keep on repeating Trump's “no collusion” bullshit, 'cause it will be hilariously funny watching you and every other mentally-retarded Trump-supporter lose the plot when the handcuffs get slapped onto Donald J. Trump's wrists the moment the 46th President of the United States of America gets sworn in.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
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« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2019, 06:59:28 pm »

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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2019, 09:31:12 pm »

And until those handcuffs go on Trump's wrists, Nancy will keep on spanking Trump, 'cause he's a total intellectual lightweight compared to her.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2019, 05:45:26 pm »

yes Nancy is a kinky old slut who lives behind walls
she and the mafia media are blowing smoke up your arse and tickling your tiny lady balls

good luck with your circle jerk retarded delusion
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« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2019, 09:22:26 pm »

Donald J. Trump is an intellectual lightweight compared to Nancy Pelosi.

That's why she'll keep right on spanking him as long as he is president.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2019, 04:14:16 am »

he's a winner, all the losers who said he can't win were living in a delusion
Trump, he proved how stupid the left is.
the corrupt establishment royalty will do their worst call him made up bullshit names

meanwhile, he keeps to his election promises and is always working hard to make America great again.

the left clowns were all wrong, a lot of America love him

funny stuff

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« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2019, 11:59:20 am »

Donald J. Trump couldn't even get as many votes as Hillary Clinton.

He had to hide behind the collegial vote to make it into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

And then, at his inauguration, he only attracted a fraction of the spectators who were there to witness the inauguration of Barak Obama.

Poor liddle-widdle Trump ... he cannot even get Congress to do what he wants and that is even with the first two years of his presidency having a Republican majority in Congress. Now with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats calling the shots in Congress, Trump is a do-nothing, meaningless lame-duck president.

Haw haw haw!!!
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2019, 11:31:02 pm »

there you go again talking to yourself

and nobody really cares about your madness

instead of keeping you safe by locking you up

you are free to wander around like a rabid dog shitting all over everything?

you're nothing but a bitter old boring dribbling white trash fuckhead lefty moron
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
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« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2019, 01:45:43 am »

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« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2019, 12:35:37 pm »

ROFLMAO … Kim Jong-un is rosining up his bow to play the stupid simpleton Donald J. Trump like a fiddle … again!!

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2019, 09:47:42 pm »

I hope your getting his stupid haircut so I can have a good laugh Grin
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« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2019, 10:08:23 pm »

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« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2019, 02:36:45 pm »

from The Seattle Times…

Mueller speaks, loud and clear

Mueller makes it crystal clear that his report did not exonerate Trump.

By DAVID HORSEY | 4:08PM PDT — Wednesday, May 29, 2019

AFTER TWO YEARS OF SILENCE as he prepared his report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Special Counsel Robert Mueller made a public statement about his findings on Wednesday. It included this: “If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

When the report was first released, the White House and Attorney General Robert Barr put a positive spin on the findings. President Donald Trump claimed complete exoneration. But that is not what the report said. The report cited multiple examples of Trump interfering with the investigation. Mueller made clear that the reason that interference did not result in an obstruction of justice charge is that, from the very start of the investigation, he and his team of lawyers worked within Justice Department guidelines that assume a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

Only members of Congress, through the impeachment process, can take action against a president while he is in office. Mueller made clear that ball is now firmly in their court.


• See more of David Horsey's cartoons at The Seattle Times HERE.

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« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2019, 04:00:46 pm »

from The Seattle Times…

EDITORIAL: Americans need more from Mueller

To understand the damage inflicted on the American democracy by foreign
influence and the threat to the integrity of our elections going forward,
listen to Robert S. Mueller's farewell-speech advice and read his report.

By THE SEATTLE TIMES EDITORIAL BOARD | 10:50AM PDT — Thursday, May 30, 2019

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III speaks at the Department of Justice on Wednesday, May 29, 2019, in Washington D.C., about the Russia investigation. — Photograph: Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III speaks at the Department of Justice on Wednesday, May 29, 2019,
in Washington D.C., about the Russia investigation. — Photograph: Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press.

ROBERT S. MUELLER's concise speech on Wednesday morning —  implying that President Donald Trump may indeed have committed  a crime — was long overdue. Despite his stated reluctance, he must now heed the call to testify before Congress, even if he is unwilling to comment on all aspects of his report. It is too important, because Congress alone is responsible for determining whether wrong-doing occurred.

Mueller's 10-minute news conference refreshed a long-standing truth that there were “multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election.”

“That allegation deserves the attention of every American,” Mueller said in closing, before he turned and walked out without taking questions.

As to whether there was evidence that Trump, or those close to him, tried to obstruct the probe, the special counsel dropped a bigger bombshell: “As set forth in our report … if we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that.”

This lawyerly description must be expanded upon openly before Congress and the American people. The Department of Justice policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted, to which Mueller adhered, renders Congress the only body that can explore this non-exoneration and act upon it.

Mueller was clear, however, that he wants no part of what may come next, reminding all that “it's important that the office's written work speaks for itself.” What Congress received is a redacted version of the report, 448 pages explaining the investigation, with specific events and legal considerations detailed.

Every engaged citizen looking for guidance into the debate over potential impeachment or the need for better election security must take the time to learn what Mueller's team uncovered. The report is immensely significant even in its redacted form.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III walks from the podium after speaking at the Department of Justice on Wednesday about the Russia investigation. — Photograph: Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III walks from the podium after speaking at the Department of Justice
on Wednesday about the Russia investigation. — Photograph: Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press.

Set aside, for a moment, Trump's “Witch Hunt” rantings, or that Mueller's remarks appeared a calculated rebuke to statements made by Attorney General William Barr regarding the probe. The report's thorough accounting tells us the direction the nation is lurching and how Barr sabotaged his own credibility by offering a misleading characterization of the probe's conclusions. After comparing what the report actually says to how Barr has spun it, it’s clear why there have been calls to impeach the attorney general.

Beyond that, however, is the importance of understanding the persistence of the threat to American democracy from foreign attack. The euphemism “Russian meddling” has become shorthand for the interference in the 2016 election. That phrase understates the problem and must be retired. As the full Mueller report makes clear, there was a prolonged and deliberate attempt to undermine American democracy through destabilizing how we select a president.

In its wake, our national discourse is distressingly pockmarked by belligerence and cries of “fake news” designed to sow mistrust in the factual reporting of events. This is the light in which we should examine Trump's inflammatory comments and name-calling. The Mueller report explains what the president continues to obfuscate: how Russia pushed us to this brink.

In the space of a few hours on Thursday, the president bewilderingly tweeted that he “had nothing to do with Russia helping me get elected,” then told reporters that “Russia didn't help me at all. Russia, if anything, I think, helped the other side.”

Mueller's clarity illustrates how this president is still working to mislead America.

“Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election principally through two operations,” his report states on its first page. “First, a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Second, a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations against entities, employees, and volunteers working on the Clinton Campaign and then released stolen documents.”

It isn't enough for Mueller to urge Americans to devote time to read all 448 pages, although that remains excellent advice. To ensure his words ring out as strongly as the president's double-talk, he must speak them before Congress and the nation.


Editorial updated at 3:23PM PDT — Thursday, May 30, 2019.

The Seattle Times Editorial Board members are editorial page editor Kate Riley, Frank A. Blethen, Brier Dudley, Mark Higgins, Derrick Nunnally and William K. Blethen (emeritus).


Related to this topic:

 • Mueller declares his Russia report did not exonerate Trump

 • Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

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« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2019, 01:01:46 am »

from The Washington Post…

Trump uses discredited conflict-of-interest charges to attack Mueller

In tweets and comments to reporters, the president accused the former special counsel
of being a “true never-Trumper,” who was conflicted due to a past “business dispute”
between them. He also alleged that Mueller asked him for a job.

By COLBY ITKOWITZ, JOSH DAWSEY and JOHN WAGNER | 6:48PM EDT — Thursday, May 30, 2019

President Trump launched an attack on former special counsel Robert S. Mueller on May 30, a day after Mueller addressed the nation publicly. — Photograph: The Washington Post.
President Trump launched an attack on former special counsel Robert S. Mueller on May 30, a day after Mueller addressed the nation publicly.
 — Photograph: The Washington Post.

PRESIDENT TRUMP renewed his personal attacks against Robert S. Mueller III on Thursday, leveling discredited accusations that the former special counsel had conflicts of interest that made him a biased investigator.

The attacks came a day after Mueller's first and only public statement since the conclusion of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether Trump sought to obstruct the probe. During a brief news conference, Mueller reiterated his finding that if his team had concluded Trump did not commit a crime, they would have said so — a statement that sparked a new round of calls from Democrats to impeach the president.

Trump, in tweets and in comments to reporters, accused Mueller of being a “true never-Trumper,” who was conflicted due to a past “business dispute” between them. He also alleged that Mueller asked him for a job.

“Look, Robert Mueller should've never been chosen because he wanted the FBI job and he didn't get it,” Trump said. “And the next day, he was picked as special counsel. So you tell somebody, ‘I'm sorry, you can't have the job’. And then, after you say that, he's going to make a ruling on you? It doesn't work that way. Plus, we had a business dispute. Plus, his relationship with [former FBI Director James B.] Comey was extraordinary.”

But Trump's conflict claims have been disputed by people familiar with his interactions with Mueller. Further, former White House aides told the special counsel's office that they informed the president they were baseless when he started making them after then-Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein selected Mueller to lead the investigation following Comey's firing in May 2017.

Former White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon “recalled telling the President that the purported conflicts were ‘ridiculous’ and that none of them was real or could come close to justifying precluding Mueller from serving as Special Counsel,” according to the special counsel's report.

Trump nonetheless has persisted in charging over the past two years that Mueller was conflicted, and the president's advisers said his anger on Thursday was sparked by his view that the special counsel's appearance Wednesday led to a public perception that Trump had committed a crime. While some advisers, and Trump's lawyers, tried to play down Mueller's remarks, Trump was frustrated that they dominated the news and seemed to put more pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Democrat-California) to begin impeachment proceedings.

“He's somebody that dislikes Donald Trump,” the president told reporters, referring to Mueller.

Trump has repeatedly alleged that he and Mueller had a business dispute that led to bad blood between the two after the former FBI director resigned his membership at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia. But the special counsel's report describes a far less contentious parting of ways than the president has described.

In October 2011, Mueller informed Trump's club that his family was canceling their membership because they lived in Washington D.C. and were “unable to make full use of the Club.” He then asked if they would be “entitled” to a refund of a portion of their initial membership fee that was paid in 1994. The club responded that the Mueller family would be put on a list for a potential refund.

“The Muellers have not had further contact with the club,” according to the report.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment about Trump's assertion that he had a business dispute with Mueller and other allegations of a conflict of interest.

Trump has sought to portray Mueller and Comey as particularly close — “he loves Comey,” the president claimed on Thursday. But associates of the two men have said they had a close professional relationship but did not socialize.

Trump's contention that Mueller wanted to replace Comey as FBI director and was turned down by the president — “I told him NO,” Trump tweeted on Thursday — also has been disputed by people familiar with their meeting.

The two men had a roughly 30-minute meeting at the White House in May 2017.

Mueller was invited to the White House because Trump aides were concerned about the political fallout and controversy over Comey's firing and believed having the former FBI director meet with the president could have a calming effect, according to a former administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue.

Bannon told investigators the purpose of the meeting was not a job interview but to have Mueller “offer a perspective on the institution of the FBI,” according to the special counsel's report, and “although the White House thought about beseeching Mueller to become Director again, he did not come in looking for the job.”

The former administration official confirmed that account, saying that Mueller told White House officials he took the meeting only as a courtesy to the president.

Trump was friendly during their talk, the official said, and when the issue came up of whether Mueller might be interested in once again becoming FBI director, he said he could not take the job unless a law was changed. In July 2011, Congress cleared legislation allowing Mueller to serve an additional two years as director beyond his 10-year term. That law effectively prevented him from serving again.

At the meeting, White House officials told Mueller they were willing to push Congress to pass a new law to make his reappointment possible, but Mueller told the president he was probably not the best person for the post, according to the former official.

“He was never offered the job, nor did he seek the job,” the official said. “He had one meeting with the president.”

The next day, Mueller was selected by Rosenstein to lead the Russia investigation, a move that continues to irk Trump.

“A total Conflict of Interest. NICE!” the president tweeted on Thursday.

Mueller's former spokesman at the Justice Department, Peter Carr, said he could not comment because the special counsel's office is closed, and he instead referred to pages of the final report that dealt with Trump's claims of a conflict of interest.

Trump's focus on Mueller's perceived conflicts plays a central role in the section of the report examining whether Trump illegally obstructed the special counsel's investigation.

According to investigators, Trump became agitated about the issue of conflicts after Justice Department ethics experts concluded in May 2017 that Mueller could oversee the investigation even though his former law firm represented several people who could be caught up in the matter.

He told then-White House counsel Donald McGahn in June 2017 that Mueller was too conflicted to fairly run the probe. Trump wanted McGahn, according to the report, to tell Rosenstein that Mueller had conflicts that prevented him from serving as special counsel.

McGahn advised Trump that trying to oust Mueller would appear as if he was trying to meddle in the investigation and be used against him to claim obstruction of justice.

Trump continued to push for Mueller's firing, McGahn told the special counsel, but McGahn and other aides believed “the asserted conflicts were ‘silly’ and ‘not real’,” and had said so to the president.


Devlin Barrett contributed to this report.

Colby Itkowitz has covered Washington D.C. policy and politics for more than a decade. Since coming to The Post in March 2014, she's covered health policy, anchored the ‘Inspired Life’ blog, and written about the quirks of the federal government and national politics for the famed ‘In the Loop’ column. She was previously The Morning Call's D.C. correspondent. Prior to that, she covered Capitol Hill, specifically transportation policy, for Congressional Quarterly.

Josh Dawsey is a White House reporter for The Washington Post. He joined the newspaper in 2017. He previously covered the White House for Politico, and New York City Hall and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for The Wall Street Journal.

John Wagner is a national reporter who leads The Washington Post's new breaking political news team. He previously covered the Trump White House. During the 2016 presidential election, Wagner focused on the Democratic campaigns of Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley. He earlier chronicled Maryland government for more than a decade, a stretch that included O’Malley's eight years as governor and part of the tenure of his Republican predecessor, Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. He came to The Post from The News & Observer in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he served as the paper's Washington correspondent, covering the 2004 presidential bid of Senator John Edwards and the final years in office of Senator Jesse Helms.


Related to this topic:

 • VIDEO: Trump calls Mueller a ‘true Never Trumper’

 • Dana Milbank: An invitation to impeach, in Mueller-speak

 • Jonathan Capehart: Mueller just made life more difficult for Trump — and Democrats

 • The Washington Post's View: Mueller should have said this weeks ago

 • As he exits, Mueller suggests only Congress can ‘formally accuse a sitting president of wrong-doing’

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2019, 03:29:35 am »

Mueller has proved he's an arsehole now it's time for him to answer questions

Mueller might be a child molesting cocksucker I wonder if he can he prove he's not

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« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2019, 10:02:34 am »

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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2019, 06:39:25 pm »

the shitty cartoon doesn't even look like the mutton chop deep state corrupt pig
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« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2019, 06:40:40 pm »

Robert S. Mueller III is a decorated war hero.

Donald J. Trump is a gutless, cowardly draft dodger.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2019, 07:44:27 pm »

he would be a better hero if he was dead

Robert S. Mueller III is  a fuckwitt your a fuckwitt let him  fuck your arse
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« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2019, 10:33:41 pm »

Robert S. Mueller III is a decorated war hero.

Donald J. Trump is a gutless, cowardly draft-dodger.
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Absolutely Fabulously Incredibly Shit-Hot Member
Posts: 8271

« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2019, 02:08:50 am »

bet you want the pink fluffy handcuffs if you a good moron maybe Robert S. Mueller III will let you lick his arsehole
just for you, he might decorate his Ahole with chocolate sauce Grin
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« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2019, 04:46:54 pm »

Robert S. Mueller III is a decorated war hero.

John McCain was likewise a decorated war hero.

Donald J. Trump is a gutless, cowardly draft-dodger.
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