« on: December 13, 2015, 02:20:13 pm » |
Since we are experiencing issues with the personal message set up on XNC2, we as Moderators are unable to respond in private to reported posts. While it is preferable for us to respond privately, we cannot.
The Moderators have received numerous reported posts over the last month from Reality about KTJ and from other Members about Reality. We have gone through these reported posts from the outset and assessed them - each on their merits, or in many of the posts the lack of merit. There have been some reported posts that have made us cringe, whilst others have been downright petty.
I should remind you that each of the Moderators have lives. We have busy jobs.
My eyes, along with the eyes of the other Moderators and Members are clearly open.
The fact is that BOTH Reality and KTJ deliberately set out to inflame and taunt the other.
BOTH insult each other.
You BOTH clearly have no respect whatsoever for each other. The rest of us can live with that. I'm sure other Members couldn't give a rats arse what you think of each.
What the rest of us - Moderators and other Members - care about it the constant alienation, bickering, insults, childish taunts and absolute disrespect you have for everyone else by your continued and constant behaviour.
Yes, you are BOTH to blame.
We as Moderators and other Members, have repeatedly asked that the pair of you refrain from the constant childish taunts and insults. The fact that you both continue to behave in such an appalling manner shows complete an utter disrespect and contempt for the rest of us.
We have lost valuable Members because of the pair of you. It would appear the pair of you are either too stupid to see what you have done/are doing or that you simply don't care about anyone other than yourselves.
I lay things on the line a few weeks ago where I pleaded with you - for the sake of the future of XNC2 - to be the grown ups, to demonstrate maturity. For a few days things looked as though we may have turned a corner with some very welcome Members returning. Once again, however, this is spiraling back downwards.
There are those of us who are trying hard to build XNC2 back up to be a good Board to visit and to post in. Whilst we are trying to achieve this, the pair of you seem hell-bent on destroying XNC2.
All inflammatory or petty argumentative and insulting posts have resulted in me dumping the entire thread in question to the Biffo Room.
Once again ask this - PLEASE KTJ and Reality, if you want to play at being children - go to the Biffo Room and start a thread there - away from the constant 'ín your face' General Forum .
If this petty nonsense continues, you will both have your memberships suspended or, you will both be banished to the Biffo Room for a timeframe determined by the Global Moderators.
Please also note that any remarks posted in here other than those agreeing to tow the line WITHOUT added jibes or argumentative dialogue, will be deleted forthwith.
Part-Of-The-Furniture Member

Posts: 882
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2017, 11:23:41 am » |
How about the wise heads in charge set up this forum on a different host, and exclude a certain person from the leadership. Then just jump on the the behaviours that seem to have wrecked years of fun. Oh and don't have personal messaging.