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Special Interest Forums => The Crockpot => Topic started by: ssweetpea on December 26, 2010, 01:29:00 pm

Title: Leftovers
Post by: ssweetpea on December 26, 2010, 01:29:00 pm
We all have them.

Last night's Omlet:
Mush or chop together leftovers, mix in 2 or 3 eggs per person and cook in non-stick pan.

Mystery Smoothy:
1 cup of left over fruit salad (it can be made up to this amount with the addition of left over christamas pudding*, cheesecake or a banana if you don't have enough), ¼ or ½ cup yoghurt made up to 1 cup with milk. Bung the lot in a blender and press the button. Makes two glassfuls.
*you may need more milk if using large chunk of xmas or steamed pudding.

Neville's/Granddad's pudding:
Put slice of stale cake in dish, cover with cold milk - add tinned fruit if cake has no icing.

Tip from Neville - cake doesn't have to be stale but beware of the cook if using freshly baked/iced cake.

What the heck? fritters

1 cup self raising flour
2 eggs
1 - 2 cups of leftovers (add mixed vege or tinned corn if you need to)
season to taste.

Mix, cook in frying pan, serve with tomato sauce.