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General Category => General Forum => Topic started by: Kiwithrottlejockey on April 05, 2020, 12:16:42 pm

Title: “Fake President” Donald J. Trump's “own words”…
Post by: Kiwithrottlejockey on April 05, 2020, 12:16:42 pm

Click on the photograph…

(https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/IDTCn-uWsUWMqr-U6vyG-Zu4QWk=/1450x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/6LJG6ETJIUI6VMMZHKLZTRKFCI.jpg) (https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/33-times-trump-downplayed-the-coronavirus/2020/03/05/790f5afb-4dda-48bf-abe1-b7d152d5138c_video.html)

…and view/listen-to 33 lies/utterances of bullshit directly from the mouth of America's number one bullshit artist.

from The Washington Post…

The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2020/04/04/coronavirus-government-dysfunction/?arc404=true)

(https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/2cLyqJV_RteWGHPvnpIEytHT300=/1484x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/HQYPVNTBTEI6VATXP3Z7JVD5MQ.jpg) (https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/2cLyqJV_RteWGHPvnpIEytHT300=/1484x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/HQYPVNTBTEI6VATXP3Z7JVD5MQ.jpg)

Related to this topic:

 • VIDEO: Trump on his ‘natural ability’ for medical science: ‘I really get it’. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/trump-on-his-natural-ability-for-medical-science-i-really-get-it/2020/03/06/1814aaee-87f2-4ede-ba67-25862e00e905_video.html)

 • VIDEO: The Fact Checker: What went wrong with coronavirus testing in the U.S. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/fact-checker/what-went-wrong-with-coronavirus-testing-in-the-us--the-fact-checker/2020/03/29/ae16233d-8035-4322-b3ac-15f8bb29a958_video.html)

Title: Re: “Fake President” Donald J. Trump's “own words”…
Post by: Im2Sexy4MyPants on April 05, 2020, 01:14:20 pm

Population 9,477,918 (July 2020 est

This guy has some balls Damn it they closed our local hard liquor store lol
lets sit back eat our popcorn and see what happens maybe we need to drink more Vodka

Belarus President Refuses to Impose Lockdown in the Country, Says Vodka & Sauna Will Cure Us of Coronavirus


While many world leaders have imposed a lockdown in their countries due to the growing threat of coronavirus, some others have simply refused to consider the seriousness of the situation. One of them is the president of Belarus, Alexander Luka­shenko, who has said ‘no’ to a lockdown in his country, so all the shops, theatres and markets are open and meanwhile, brimming with people.

He also has an expert advice for a cure of coroanvirus: daily shots of vodka and banya, a Russian-style sauna!

”I don’t drink but recently I’ve been saying that people should not only wash their hands with vodka but also poison the virus with it. You should drink the equivalent of 40-50 millilitres of rectified spirit daily. But not at work,” he said.

Lukashenko (President of Belarus) knows how to defeat the virus.

”Go to the banya. Two or three times a week will do you good. When you come out of the sauna, not only wash your hands, but also your insides with 100ml (of vodka),” Lukashenko added.

On Saturday, without a care in the world, fans thronged the football stadiums around the country while Lukashenko himself took part in an ice hockey tournament, while people in other parts of the world are staying out at their homes.

Watch the President of Belarus explain why the #Covid_19 Coronavirus isn't a threat and why he's still letting crowds go to sporting events

Further, he mocked and described the stringent measures taken by other countries as “utter stupidity” and told the citizens of his country that the pandemic is nothing more than a “psychosis.”

“The world has gone mad from the coronavirus. This psychosis has crippled national economies almost everywhere in the world,” he remarked at a time when thousands of people have succumbed to the fatal virus.

Currently, Belarus has confirmed 94 cases of the virus with no deaths.


Title: Re: “Fake President” Donald J. Trump's “own words”…
Post by: Kiwithrottlejockey on April 05, 2020, 02:11:16 pm

Hahaha … his utterly-stupid citizens will die in huge numbers.

I hope he is one of them.

Title: Re: “Fake President” Donald J. Trump's “own words”…
Post by: Im2Sexy4MyPants on April 06, 2020, 08:44:00 am
why do you hope people die?

Title: Re: “Fake President” Donald J. Trump's “own words”…
Post by: Kiwithrottlejockey on April 06, 2020, 08:56:13 am

If Trump's stupid reporters believe Trump's bullshit about the virus (have you watched that video yet?) then they only have themselves to blame if the virus kills them.

One could almost call it “nature removing idiots from the gene pool”, eh?